Georgia voters say voting was easy, just like Jim Crow


Election Georgia Electronic Voting
Nolan Lakvold, 17 months, waits for his mother, Kathryn Lakvold, right, to finish voting on Election Day in Augusta, Ga. (Michael Holahan/The Augusta Chronicle via AP)

Georgia voters say voting was easy, just like Jim Crow

Democrats and their media allies cried “Jim Crow” over Georgia’s 2021 election reforms. It was a political stunt from the start, and Georgia voters, including black voters, have clearly recognized it.

A poll from the University of Georgia found that 90% of voters thought it was easy to vote in the midterm elections. Most voters waited less than 30 minutes to cast a vote. Overall, 95% of voters described their voting experience as “excellent” or “good.” Just 0.6% said their experience was “poor.”


This trend holds among black voters. According to the poll, 0% described their voting experience as poor. Over 96% deemed it excellent or good. A total of 99.5% of black voters did not name a problem while voting, and just 0.8% thought their county’s election officials performed poorly.

To top it all off, 72.5% of black voters said there was no difference in how difficult or easy it was to vote compared to 2020. Another 19.1% said it was easier to vote than in 2020, which is 6 points higher than the share of white voters who said it was easier. Evidently, Georgia Republicans were really bad at imposing Jim Crow voter suppression tactics.

Of course, the mild voting reforms that made Georgia’s elections more secure also made it easier to vote for most voters. The law never was “Jim Crow on steroids,” as President Joe Biden described it. It was all political theater, whipped up by Democrats so they could promote their own congressional election reforms that would have nationalized elections and allowed Democrats to overrule state election laws. They, along with their media allies, then recruited corporations such as Coca-Cola and Major League Baseball into their political fight.

Democrats are not interested in racism as anything other than a political cudgel. The Jim Crow saga in Georgia was yet another example, and yet there will be no reckoning for any of it. Major League Baseball has repeatedly ducked any conversation about its decision. Establishment media won’t ask Biden about his stance, and, on the off-chance that question does reach Biden, he will continue to portray the law as voter suppression. No one will acknowledge their grotesque, toxic political strategy.


Luckily, voters still see through the rhetoric. Voters resoundingly chose Republicans to lead the state once again during the midterm elections. Stacey Abrams, the Democrat who cried voter suppression for four years after losing in 2018, went from losing by 55,000 votes then to losing by 300,000 votes in her rematch attempt. Democrats can lie and fearmonger all they want, but even with the aid of the media, they can’t rewrite reality.

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