The cultural abomination of drag queen story hour came to Baltimore


Drag queens Scalene Onixxx (L) and Athena Kills are greeted by sisters Cambria (C) and Waverly (2ndR) beside their mother Melissa following a session of Drag Queen Story Hour at Cellar Door Books in Riverside, California, on June 22, 2019. FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP via Getty Images

The cultural abomination of drag queen story hour came to Baltimore

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It was a scene that more resembled “Caligula’s court” than a building that holds scores of books. A man, dressed as a woman with too much makeup, reads stories to children. Only in 21st-century America could anyone find this cultural aberration permissible. And last week, this circus came to Baltimore.


There should be no sugarcoating it: Drag queen story hour is nothing short of an abomination. It’s a man pretending he is a woman, typically dressed in provocative clothing, reading children’s literature to a bunch of children.

Make no mistake, drag queen story hour has no business in front of children. Much like people would reject exotic dancers reading stories to children because of the mature content of their hypersexualized nature, so, too, should drag queen story hour. They shouldn’t receive special privileges or exemptions (mainly) because they’re part of the LGBT community. Inappropriate is inappropriate regardless of the sexual orientation of most actors involved.

It’s shocking that anyone would want these things to occur in their communities. Thankfully, many have grown tired of drag queen story hours and started protesting them. They have realized such events are highly inappropriate, especially since, inexplicably, young children are the target demographic. It’s an attempt to normalize a societal taboo through toxic, radical brainwashing.

“I organized a group of people, and we protested a drag queen story hour at Enoch Pratt Library in Canton,” said KJ McKenzie, first vice chairwoman of the Baltimore City Republican Party.

“Some people asked why do I care?” McKenzie said. “I care because the organization behind drag queen story hour doesn’t do this for literary [reasons]. It’s not even about inclusivity or diversity. They are organized. They have an agenda and a manifesto.”

McKenzie referenced an article titled “Drag pedagogy: The playful practice of queer imagination in early childhood.” It’s a research article that analyzes drag queen story hour and claims that it offers “early childhood educators a way into a sense of queer imagination.” In other words, brainwashing the youth to support and accept cultural perversions such as drag queens as normal. It’s not, and it should never be considered normal.

“Drag Queen Story Hour young children experiment with ‘queer ways of being themselves. Ultimately, we suggest that drag pedagogy offers one model for learning not simply about queer lives, but how to live queerly,'” the article reads.

“This is grooming,” McKenzie exclaimed. “Grooming involves tactics like the desensitization to sexual topics, the pushing of personal boundaries, and attempts to make the behavior seem normal. The aim is to create queer activists and to encourage children to be queer themselves. This is about transformational change of the family unit.”

Others agree with McKenzie, especially about the damage and indoctrination it will cause in young children.

“The early sexualization of our children is what most concerns us as parents,” said Chris Anderson, a parent in Baltimore City and representative of the Baltimore City Republican Party. “This is not about LGBT or transgenderism. It’s about fighting back against a radical gender ideology that is being pushed onto our children.”

Anderson echoes the sentiments of many people across the nation. There is nothing necessary about drag queen story hour. If adults want to enjoy drag queens for whatever reason, that is their choice. However, forcing this depraved debauchery and inappropriate content on children is abhorrent.

“I have lived in Baltimore City all my life, and I want my kids to get the best education that they can get,” Anderson told me. “I don’t want my kids or any other inner-city kid to be guinea pigs for radical social experiments or this strange effort to create a generation of misinformed, uneducated, oversexualized, indoctrinated children.”

We must not cave to the immoral and unreasonable demands of the LGBT mob. Our nation’s children deserve protection, not radical left-wing indoctrination so they can become the next generation of sycophants. Drag queen story hour serves no legitimate purpose in society. It’s long past time to end this brainwashing and societal ill. Our country’s children deserve much better.


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