California’s storms lead Democrats to cry ‘climate change’ even as experts disagree


Joe Biden
President Joe Biden delivered brief remarks after surveying storm damage in California Thursday, declaring the destruction a clear sign of climate change. Susan Walsh/AP

California’s storms lead Democrats to cry ‘climate change’ even as experts disagree

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Democrats insist that every weather incident in California is proof that climate change is going to kill us all. But California’s atmospheric river storms are not, in fact, a destructive product of climate change.

This is according to experts who spoke to the Los Angeles Times. “Assuming that these storms were driven by global warming would be like assuming an athlete who breaks a record was on steroids,” said Alexander Gershunov, a climate scientist at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Even the state’s official climatologist said that the storms are “within the historical distribution of sizes of atmospheric rivers.”


The data back this up. California saw far more rain in 1956, and the state dealt with floods in 1938. The state has seen similar storms in 1964, 1969, 1982, 1986, 1995, and 2005, and 180,000 people were evacuated from Oroville in 2017 after heavy rains led to damage to the Oroville Dam.

Gov. Gavin Newsom apparently didn’t get the memo. He said the storms are “proof that the climate crisis is real and we have to take it seriously.” Neither did President Joe Biden, who said that “Extreme weather caused by climate change leads to stronger and more frequent storms, more intense droughts, longer wildfire seasons, all of which threaten communities all across California.”

Yes, in California, rain, droughts, and wildfires are always the result of climate change. Any bad weather that happens in California is climate change, which is convenient, given that climate change is the justification California leaders give to interfere in the lives of residents. Whether it’s a rain storm or a wildfire, the weather is proof that California Democrats should be able to ban your non-electric car, your water heater, or plastic straws.


Of course, the convenient excuse of climate change also absolves Democrats of any failures that subject residents to terrible conditions. Pointing to the sky and claiming that Mother Nature is punishing us for not running on solar energy helps avoid accountability for terrible forest management that fuels wildfires or non-existent water-storage infrastructure that would ease the strain of drought periods, for example.

Climate change remains a political tool for Democrats to restructure life in a way they approve of. They see it in every raindrop and every temperature change, warning of a coming apocalypse that can only be solved if we do everything they say, even if the very experts they tell us to trust are telling them to pump the brakes.

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