A new way to read Washington Examiner magazine



A new way to read Washington Examiner magazine

Washington Examiner magazine’s great success, which has seen it more than double its subscribers since its launch in this format in 2019, is so encouraging that we’ve decided to take another confident step.

We’re introducing a digital edition of the magazine each week, with all the features, news, commentary, and columns you’re used to getting in print, but with the addition of new benefits that will become available online from February.


These will reciprocate our readers’ loyalty and engagement by creating a sort of membership circle. Members — our digital subscribers — will get access to special content from the homepage of the Washington Examiner website. It will also be sent to your email inbox.

One great feature is a new video Book of the Month Club, where our editors and writers will review highlighted books. Sometimes the review will be in the form of an interview with the original work’s author, and sometimes we will invite our reviewers on camera to discuss their views and why they came to them. Plus, we will provide you with a quick link to order the book for delivery. The book club will sometimes focus on new fiction, but the emphasis will usually be on history and politics, which is what readers tell us they want.

Our first book club video features Life & Arts Editor Nicholas Clairmont in conversation with Damir Marusic, senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, who reviews Frank Costigliola’s important new biography of Cold Warrior George Kennan, Kennan: A Life Between Two Worlds.

Every month, Washington Examiner editors will also engage with subscribers in a video discussion of political events unfolding in the nation’s capital and of what we’re featuring in the newest issue of the magazine. This won’t be just a one-way monologue. It’ll be a discussion, and we hope subscribers will participate. If you have questions you want to raise so editors can answer them and give their insights, email [email protected], and we’ll select a few to highlight in the video.

One fun feature that we’ll bring every two weeks is a behind-the-scenes look at how the magazine’s latest cover was conceived, planned, and drawn by our wonderful illustrators working with editors. You’ll see a cover start as an idea and become a preliminary sketch, then, via increasingly detailed iterations, how it emerges as a final cover with picture and words combining in all their compelling irony, pathos, force, and wit.


Four times a year, we also publish Washington Examiner “Quarterly Briefings,” each of which takes a deep dive into big subjects readers have expressed special interest in. So far, our bulletins have focused on the budget standoff in Congress, the war in Ukraine, inflation, and the midterm elections. The next, due out in February, will focus on the House of Representatives newly under Republican control. We’ll send these briefings in digital replica format to your email inbox.

For these and other future benefits, go online to this link — bit.ly/printsubscriber — and add your email address to your account.

© 2023 Washington Examiner

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