Democrats needed Biden in 2020. Now, they need him to go away


Joe Biden, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador
President Joe Biden listens as he meets with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, July 12, 2022. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh) Susan Walsh/AP

Democrats needed Biden in 2020. Now, they need him to go away

Since the first report about President Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents dropped, very little has added up.

In rapid fashion, we learned that Biden’s lawyers had located a batch of classified documents in the president’s Washington, D.C., think tank shortly before the midterm elections. They then discovered a second batch of highly sensitive material in the garage of his Wilmington, Delaware, residence, and revealed that additional documents were found inside the home. Before we knew it, Attorney General Merrick Garland had appointed a special counsel to take over the investigation from U.S. Attorney John Lausch Jr.

First, it was odd that Biden’s top lawyers were personally searching his old office. And second, it was surprising that they immediately alerted the National Archives and Records Administration, as they claim to have done. After all, knowing the media firestorm that would surely ensue, why wouldn’t his personal attorneys, who ostensibly have their client’s best interests in mind, try to settle the matter quietly on their own?

I’m not saying it would have been right to bypass NARA officials, but since when have the Democrats worried about playing by the rules?

It all feels very contrived. As far as Biden’s alleged transgressions go, the discovery of a handful of misplaced documents seems the least of them. But there’s a reason this scandal is playing out now. And that reason could very well be that his party wants to prevent him from running for reelection.

Biden was a useful pawn in the 2020 election and has served Democrats well thus far. Just centrist enough to convince voters who were tired of former President Donald Trump that he’d be a welcome swing back to the middle, but not centrist enough to resist the leftist impulses of his party, Biden is exactly what Democrats needed him to be. But now, it appears they would like him to go away.

The late Rush Limbaugh warned in December 2020, just two months prior to his death, that Biden would eventually be ousted by the “regime” that propped him up in the first place. He told listeners that Biden would “serve at the pleasure of Barack Obama. If Obama gives the green light to Democrats to take Biden out, there will be ample evidence that Biden has lied about his knowledge, his family was selling his name and office with his permission.”

Whether Biden’s old boss is involved in the documents scandal is far from clear, but former members of the Obama administration undoubtedly are. Dana Remus, for example, a lawyer who worked in the Obama White House as the deputy assistant to the president, was one of the attorneys assigned to oversee Biden’s vice presidential records.

The timing of “docugate” is also suspect. The classified material was discovered on Nov. 2, too close to the midterm elections to be reported (due to Department of Justice policy concerning election interference). It wasn’t until Jan. 9 that the public learned of Biden’s scandal, a two-month reprieve that allowed Democrats (and unfortunately, some Republicans) to ram through their reckless and wasteful $1.7 trillion omnibus bill while they still had the House majority.

And why did Garland appoint a special counsel? The obvious answer is because he’d already appointed one for Trump and would have looked incredibly partisan if he hadn’t done the same for Biden.

But Garland also knows the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government is about to shine a bright spotlight on the DOJ. The two special counsel investigations will provide the agency with a legitimate excuse to withhold document requests from GOP lawmakers.

At this point, all we can do is speculate. But one thing is undeniable. Biden is a far weaker president — and presidential candidate — than he was two months ago. Perhaps that’s the point.


Elizabeth Stauffer is a contributor to the Washington Examiner and the Western Journal. Her articles have appeared at MSN, RedState, Newsmax, the Federalist, and RealClearPolitics. Follow her on Twitter or LinkedIn.

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