Son of George Soros has made repeated trips to Biden White House, scored invite to state dinner


President Joe Biden arrives to give treats to trick-or-treaters on the South Lawn of the White House, on Halloween, on Oct. 31 in Washington. (Alex Brandon/AP)

Son of George Soros has made repeated trips to Biden White House, scored invite to state dinner

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The son of left-wing billionaire and philanthropist George Soros has made repeated visits to President Joe Biden’s White House as he boosts Democrats with campaign donations and has promoted his frequent meetings with Democratic politicians, records show.

George Soros, founder of the major liberal grant-making Open Society Foundations network, has often kept a low profile while influencing Democratic politics through the bankrolling of myriad causes. Alexander Soros, his 37-year-old son who has been more public on social media about his cozy relationships with lawmakers, has made six separate trips to the White House since Biden assumed office and gained influence with Democrats in the last several years.


The younger Soros’s visits to the White House have been between October 2021 and December 2022, according to a Washington Examiner review of White House visitor logs. Two of these meetings were with White House chief of staff Ron Klain. Alexander visited with Hazel Castillo, a staff assistant for the National Security Council, and Madeline Strasser, a former White House adviser, visitor logs show.

On April 8, 2022, Alexander was in attendance at a White House celebration on the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, visitor logs show. Alexander also scored an invite to a ritzy December state dinner in honor of French President Emmanuel Macron, according to the guest list.

“For the party that says that they are committed to getting money out of politics, they sure have spent a lot of time cozied up to Alex Soros, allowing him to pump millions into their coffers,” Caitlin Sutherland, executive director of the conservative watchdog Americans for Public Trust, told the Washington Examiner.

“And with Alex sitting in the No. 2 position at his father’s foundation that just funneled $200 million in liberal dark money, that sure could buy a lot of influence,” she added.

Since 2018, Alexander has steered roughly $5.7 million toward Democratic campaigns and left-wing political action committees, according to Federal Election Commission filings. His largest donation was $2 million to Senate Majority PAC, which is affiliated with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY).

Alexander, who is chairman of OSF and has written for several left-leaning news outlets, has often posted on social media about his meetings with Democrats. He has had at least nine meetings with Schumer since 2018, according to Alexander’s Instagram account, and at least eight visits with ex-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

“Good to see majority leader [Schumer] earlier this week!” Alexander posted on Instagram in July 2022. “Energized to elect at least two more Democratic senators so we can secure voting rights and a woman’s right to chose! [sic]”

In addition, Alexander, for instance, posted on Instagram three pictures of him meeting with Schumer in December 2021 — calling him a “good friend.”

Since 2019, Alexander has pumped over $130,000 combined into Pelosi’s campaign, as well as her victory fund, a super PAC aiming to elect Democrats, according to filings. The same month Alexander posed in an Instagram picture with George Soros and Pelosi in an undisclosed location, in September 2021, he steered thousands in campaign donations to support ex-Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH), Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA), Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO), and Rev Up PAC, which is affiliated with Warnock.

Besides Schumer and Pelosi, Alexander has posted pictures online of him with Warnock, Reps. Ro Khanna of California and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg — to name a few.

In 2020, Alexander also poured over $700,000 into the Biden Victory Fund, according to filings.

OSF, the network Alexander helps lead with his father, George Soros, has sent over $32 billion across the globe, according to its website. This sum includes the large sums that nonprofit groups in OSF’s network, such as the Foundation To Promote Open Society, have paid to support liberal causes in the United States.


The Open Society Policy Center, a lobbying group in the OSF network, quietly donated $140 million to ballot initiatives and advocacy groups in 2021, as well as $60 million to liberal charities, according to tax forms. George Soros, himself, shelled out $170 million during the 2022 midterm elections in support of Democrats — making him the biggest donor of the cycle.

The White House and OSF did not reply to requests for comment.

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