‘No longer afraid of Harvey Weinstein’: Third accuser speaks out after ‘not guilty’ verdict


Harvey Weinstein
Harvey Weinstein appears in court in New York, Tuesday, June 5, 2018. Weinstein pleaded not guilty to rape and criminal sex act charges in a brief hearing Tuesday before a judge and his lawyer vowed afterward to try and beat the case even before it goes to trial. (Steven Hirsch/New York Post via AP, Pool)

‘No longer afraid of Harvey Weinstein’: Third accuser speaks out after ‘not guilty’ verdict

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The third unnamed accuser of former Hollywood film producer Harvey Weinstein, referred to as Jane Doe 3, spoke out Tuesday after a jury returned a “not guilty” verdict regarding her allegations.

Doe 3 claimed that despite the verdict, she was not afraid of Weinstein anymore because the same jury found him guilty of one count of rape and two counts of sexual assault in a mixed decision on Monday. The jury was hung on verdicts for Jane Doe 2 and Jen Newsom, the wife of Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA), after 10 days of deliberation.


“After enduring the process of having my traumas thrown under a microscope for the entire world to examine, the verdict didn’t turn out the way we wanted,” Doe 3 said in a press statement obtained by the Washington Examiner. “Yet I have no regrets. I took the stand, stared into the eyes of my attacker for three days in a brutal trial, spoke my truth, and regained my power. I am no longer afraid of Harvey Weinstein.”

Many rape and sexual assault victims do not speak out against their assailants due to the fear of a “not guilty” verdict, Doe 3 said. But she encouraged women and men to speak up about it as fast as possible anyway because they will be asked to recall the assault repeatedly and expected to remember every detail.

“I decided I had to use my voice for myself and for others,” Doe 3 said. “There are still many women who wanted to get justice for what Harvey did to them as well, yet remained silent, or had few options because of the statute of limitations. I always knew this verdict was a possibility. But I also know the truth of what happened to me and many other women, and I don’t need a jury to tell me if he’s guilty or not.”

Defense attorneys for Weinstein have maintained the allegations either occurred as part of a “transactional relationship” or were fabricated entirely and claimed there is no evidence of assault in any of the cases.


The verdict is the latest in a series of sexual assault and rape allegations made against Weinstein. More than 100 women have come forward since the press uncovered the story in 2017.

Weinstein was convicted on charges of rape and assault of two women in New York, and that carries a 23-year sentence. However, his defense attorneys have appealed the conviction, and it’s unclear whether he will serve his sentence concurrently with that one.

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