Manchin trashes Biden administration decision to pull US oil and gas leases in Alaska


Senate Democrats
Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., talks with reporters as he walks to a vote on Capitol Hill, Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2023, in Washington. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein) Mark Schiefelbein/AP

Manchin trashes Biden administration decision to pull US oil and gas leases in Alaska

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Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) trashed the Biden administration’s decision to pull oil and gas leases from Alaska on Wednesday, claiming the move was the latest example of the administration “caving to the radical Left.”

The Department of the Interior said on Wednesday it would prohibit oil and gas drilling on more than 10.6 million acres in Alaska’s National Petroleum Reserve, ensuring “maximum protection” for more than 40% of the reserve, which is located in Alaska’s North Slope and is the largest undisturbed public land in the United States.


“I can’t explain to the American people why we would willingly become more dependent on foreign oil imports, eliminate good paying American jobs and drive up the cost of our electric bills and gas prices across the country,” Manchin said. “This is yet another example of this administration caving to the radical Left with no regard for clear direction from Congress or American energy security.”

Manchin called the move “embarrassing” and an attempt to circumvent Congress because the administration allegedly knows it does not have the support to get it approved properly. The senator added that the move allows Iran and Venezuela to produce more oil with fewer environmental regulations.

The Interior Department also announced on Wednesday it would roll back seven oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge the Trump administration had leased for exploration to Alaska’s state-owned oil development agency. The department cited results from a new environmental review that determined the original analysis was “seriously flawed” and not legally adequate.

Both decisions from the department were praised by environmental groups that had pushed for more conservation in the area.


Manchin has long clashed with the current administration on climate-related matters. The West Virginia senator is the chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee and has criticized his party over its use of the Inflation Reduction Act despite playing a central role in crafting the legislation.

The senator has teased leaving the Democratic Party but claimed he would only do so if he felt he had a “truly independent voice.”

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