Bill Maher likens ‘woke’ Left’s race-first politics to KKK


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Bill Maher likens ‘woke’ Left’s race-first politics to KKK

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Comedian Bill Maher compared the “woke” Left’s focus on race-first politics to the mentality of the Ku Klux Klan on Saturday while chatting with Joe Rogan.

Maher made the comment after Rogan suggested that the Left should fear men like Maher because he represents an old-school liberal who is unwilling to “toe the line.”


“You’re like a ’90s liberal,” the host of The Joe Rogan Experience said. “You’re like liberals back when they were more reasonable, before they became leftists, and now every liberal, kind of, has to be a leftist. … If you want to be on the team, you’ve got to subscribe to the most fringe ideas that the team is promoting.”

It’s incredibly “weird” that liberals have to be allowed to disagree or not disagree with one another, Rogan said.

“I’m always trying to make the case that liberal is a different animal than ‘woke,’ because it is,” according to Maher. “You can be ‘woke,’ with all the nonsense that that now implies, but don’t say that somehow it’s an extension of liberalism because it’s most often actually an undoing of liberalism.”

The traditional liberal view of a “color-blind” society, which was held by figures such as President John F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., is a prime example, Maher said.

“That’s not what the ‘woke’ believe,” according to the comedian. “They believe race is, first-and-foremost, the thing you should always see everywhere, which I find interesting because that used to be the position of the Ku Klux Klan, that we see race first-and-foremost everywhere.”

“You can have that position, but don’t say that’s a liberal position,” he added. “You’re doing something very different.”

It would appear that the “woke” Left is trying to prop up as many minorities as possible to correct a societal imbalance, Rogan said, but the way to achieve true equality is to cast aside race and judge people solely on their merits while recognizing the real problems in the United States.


“If we don’t address the problems in this country as far as like how disenfranchised some people are and how horrible some communities are that people grow up in, and people find themselves stuck in with no recourse, no way out, no role models … no financial opportunities … that’s what our real problem is in this country, more than it is race,” he said.

“It’s extreme poverty and extreme crime, and these things don’t get addressed over and over and over again, and, in fact, a lot of the policies you see coming from places like San Francisco and Portland … they just exacerbate it.”

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