Hunter Biden’s art now sells for up to $225,000 to anonymous buyers despite ethics concerns


US President Joe Biden walks with Hunter Biden and his wife Melissa Cohen after having lunch in Nantucket, Massachusetts, on November 25, 2022. (Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images)

Hunter Biden’s art now sells for up to $225,000 to anonymous buyers despite ethics concerns

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The artwork of Hunter Biden is now selling for up to $225,000 to anonymous buyers at a new exhibition in Manhattan despite concerns over ethics and the prospect of multiple investigations into President Joe Biden’s son.

SoHo gallery owner George Berges, who is the art dealer for Hunter Biden, said the new paintings range in price from $55,000 to $225,000, according to the Daily Beast.

Given the name of the artist, however, former White House ethics chiefs have warned that buyers could try to curry favor with the younger Biden’s father.


“It’s going to be very clear with people in the know as to who buys Hunter Biden’s art,” Richard Painter, George W. Bush’s ethics chief, told Fox News last year. “The question is, are the American people going to know? The White House should insist on complete transparency.”

The White House, however, said that there were safeguards in place to prevent any ethical breaches, including shielding information on the prices of paintings and who the buyer was.

Critics have also claimed that a new artist, such as the younger Biden, would not typically sell their artwork for such a high price, believing instead that people were buying the paintings for the Biden name instead of the quality of the work.

Berges claimed the latest paintings were a self-reflection of Hunter.

“I think this series is meditative and contemplative, and I think it’s reflective of how he is at the moment,” Berges said.

The new gallery exhibition comes as scrutiny into Hunter Biden’s international business dealings intensifies in the wake of the Republicans winning the House of Representatives during November’s midterm elections.

Rep. James Comer (R-KY) said the House Oversight and Reform Committee would prioritize an investigation into Biden in 2023.

“The American people deserve transparency and accountability about the Biden family’s influence peddling,” Comer said in a press conference last month. “With the new Republican majority, Oversight Committee Republicans will continue pressing for answers to inform legislative solutions to prevent this abuse of power.”

There is also fresh discussion of Twitter’s handling of stories about Hunter Biden’s laptop before the 2020 election.

Released last Friday, the so-called Twitter Files is a collection of documents and internal communications from inside the company that details the behind-the-scenes decision-making of some of the social media platform’s top executives to suppress news stories about the laptop.

The younger Biden was questioned about House Republicans’ plans to investigate him and the Twitter Files at a White House event on Sunday.

Pool reports said the president’s son was seated toward the back of the room during an event to celebrate Kennedy Center honorees when two reporters approached him. One asked him about Elon Musk publicizing details on how his newly acquired social media platform responded in the wake of the October 2020 New York Post report on documents obtained from his personal hard drive. The other asked about the House Republican investigations into his business dealings.

Biden smiled at them and walked away without responding, according to the first reporter.


The president’s son has also been under federal investigation since 2018. Biden, who revealed the existence of an inquiry into his tax affairs just after the 2020 election, previously claimed to be “100% certain” he will be cleared of wrongdoing.

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