US approves military aid to Taiwan under program normally reserved for sovereign nations


China conducts live-fire military exercises in the Taiwan Strait amid heightened tensions over increased American support for Taiwan. Xinhua via AP

US approves military aid to Taiwan under program normally reserved for sovereign nations

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The Biden administration has approved a new military transfer for Taiwan under a program that is generally reserved for sovereign nations.

The package is modest in amount, $80 million, but it’s the use of the Foreign Military Financing program for the first time, instead of foreign military sales, that was notable. The language within the FMF implies statehood, according to the Associated Press, which angered China because Beijing views Taiwan as a province, and leaders there have not ruled out using force to reunify the independent island nation and the mainland.


State Department officials notified Congress of the package on Tuesday, a State Department spokesperson confirmed to the Washington Examiner. The decision to provide aid to Taiwan under this program doesn’t indicate a change in U.S. policy, the spokesperson added.

The U.S. does not support Taiwan’s independence or any unilateral change in the status quo from either side, though Chinese officials have argued that certain decisions, like arming Taiwan, have indicated a change in policy.

“On August 29, 2023, the administration notified Congress of its intent to provide Taiwan with $80 million in Foreign Military Financing assistance,” the spokesperson continued. “This is the first-ever FMF provision to Taiwan. Consistent with the Taiwan Relations Act and our longstanding one-China policy, which has not changed, the United States makes available to Taiwan defense articles and services necessary to enable it to maintain a sufficient self-defense capability. The United States has an abiding interest in peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, which is critical to regional and global security and prosperity. “

The $80 million may be used for a wide range of equipment, including air and coastal defense systems, UAVs, ballistic missile defense, cyber defense, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, command, control, and communications. It may also cover the refurbishment and export modification costs of items provided to Taiwan under presidential drawdown authority and Professional Military Education programs for all military services.


“This move seriously violates international law and basic norms governing international relations, undermines China’s sovereignty and security interests, harms peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, and sends gravely wrong signals to ‘Taiwan independence’ separatist forces. China deplores and firmly opposes them,” Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Wenbin said on Thursday. “No one should underestimate the determination, resolve, and capability of the Chinese people in safeguarding our sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

The administration announced a $345 million military aid package for Taiwan in late July under the presidential drawdown authority.

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