Comer says Wray could face another round of contempt of Congress proceedings


James Comer, Christopher Wray.png
Rep. James Comer (R-KY), left, and FBI Director Christopher Wray. (AP Photos)

Comer says Wray could face another round of contempt of Congress proceedings

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Rep. James Comer (R-KY) said the FBI is “stalling, stonewalling, doing everything they can to obstruct the House Oversight Committee’s credible investigation of Biden bribery.”

On Tuesday, the Oversight Committee chairman, along with ranking member Jamie Raskin (D-MD), viewed two additional documents related to the alleged “criminal bribery scheme” involving Hunter Biden, then-Vice President Joe Biden, and “foreign national” Mykola Zlochevsky, the Ukrainian owner of Burisma.


Comer said that one of the documents, however, was not what he had requested.

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“The way I knew about these two documents, that the FBI initially denied having, was that there are footnotes in the original document that the whistleblower brought to [Sen. Chuck] Grassley and I. In the footnotes, they referenced two other 1023s, one dated 2017 and one dated 2018,” Comer told Fox News Tonight. “The two documents that they provided me today, that were heavily redacted, the one thing that wasn’t redacted was the date, and both dates were 2017.”

“So, I asked them to bring me the 2018 one,” Comer continued. “It’s just a complete waste of my time. It’s another example of the FBI stalling, stonewalling, doing everything they can to obstruct the House Oversight Committee’s credible investigation of Biden bribery.”

Comer explained that his committee may, once again, pursue contempt of Congress proceedings against FBI Director Christopher Wray.

“We will use the contempt option. We will use the impeachment option. We will use any option,” the chairman said.

The Republican leader added that the greatest impact he foresees having on FBI reform and getting “new people in place in these ‘deep state’ bureaucracies” will have to come in the form of Congress voting to cut their budgets.

“We’re going to have to stick together as Republicans,” Comer added.


Comer also noted that the Oversight Committee’s investigation into the Biden family’s foreign business dealings will continue.

“The American people will know the truth — not because of the FBI but because of the House Oversight Committee,” Comer said.

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