‘Pro-life Spider-Man’ scales Ritz Carlton tower in Los Angeles: Video


Ritz Carlton LA - 112922
LOS ANGELES, CA – MAY 12: The Ritz-Carlton, hotel and luxury residences, and new upscale condominium construction, seen in the background, with dense housing in the Pico-Union neighborhood along W 11 Street and S Hoover St. on Thursday, May 12, 2022 in Los Angeles, CA. Overcrowded housing in Pico-Union, considered the most overcrowded neighborhood in Los Angeles. (Gary Coronado / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images) Gary Coronado/Los Angeles Times via Getty Imag

‘Pro-life Spider-Man’ scales Ritz Carlton tower in Los Angeles: Video

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The anti-abortion protester who goes by the title “Pro-Life Spider-Man” has swung back into the news again, drawing the attention of web users for his latest stunt of apparently scaling the Ritz Carlton tower in Los Angeles.

The protester, whose real name is Maison DesChamps, posted a video of himself climbing the tower at approximately 11:50 a.m. EST, saying he was scaling the building to help raise money for a mother who had scheduled an abortion. DesChamps explained that the mother, whom he referred to as Olivia, had accepted to receive help from Let Them Live, an anti-abortion organization that he serves as an ambassador for, and that the organization is now raising money for her to help her pay rent and fix her vehicle.

“Sometimes, you know, it’s that easy,” DesChamps said in his video. “That all they need is just a little bit of financial support, [and then] they are willing to choose life.”


The Ritz Carlton tower measures about 667 feet tall and has a total of 54 floors. Local outlet Traffic News Los Angeles reported that a protester was climbing the tower at 12:19 p.m. EST, and the Los Angeles Police Department told the Washington Examiner that a protester had climbed to floor 30.


LAPD Central Area reported that officers negotiated with “a person suffering from a mental illness” and that the protester is receiving treatment as of 1 p.m. EST.

DesChamps has made a name for himself in climbing tall buildings across the United States. He ascended to the top of the 844-foot-tall Devon Tower in downtown Oklahoma City, the tallest tower in Oklahoma, in June. In May, DesChamps scaled the 60-floor Salesforce Tower in San Francisco.


The Washington Examiner has contacted DesChamps and Let Them Live for comment.

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