NYC crime victim slams Penny charges: ‘Time to leave the plantation of the Democratic Party’


Madeline Brame.png
Madeline Brame lost her son in 2018 after he was beaten and stabbed to death in Harlem. (Fox News)

NYC crime victim slams Penny charges: ‘Time to leave the plantation of the Democratic Party’

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A New York City mother is blasting the Democratic establishment of the city, saying it has “completely failed” Daniel Penny and Jordan Neely.

Penny, a former Marine, was charged with manslaughter in the chokehold death of Jordan Neely on a New York City subway earlier this month, and Madeline Brame, who lost her son in 2018 after he was beaten and stabbed to death in Harlem, spoke to Fox News host Laura Ingraham in support of Penny.

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“The city of New York, the entire apparatus, has completely failed Mr. Penny and Mr. Neely. Mr. Neely had no business even being on that train, period,” Brame said. “Mr. Penny didn’t even — shouldn’t have never even been put in that position where he had to defend himself and other people. This is a soldier, a Marine. He’s trained by the United States government to protect and serve. Okay? If you have a deranged individual on a locked, moving subway car, okay, threatening to kill people and shoot people, his natural instinct is going to be to protect and serve.”

Neely, 30, was a street artist known for Michael Jackson impersonations whose mental health and drug abuse struggles led him to bouts of homelessness.

According to witnesses at the scene, Neely was threatening passengers aboard the northbound F subway train when Penny wrestled him to the ground and restrained him in a chokehold while waiting for help to arrive.

Former NYPD inspector Paul Mauro said Democrats, specifically naming Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who has tweeted that Neely’s death was a murder, are weaponizing the “vacuum of public safety.”

“You’re in a confined area, no place to go looking around for respite. People say, well, ‘Where were the cops? Where were the cops?’ You can’t have a cop on every train car. It’s just numerically impossible. We’re lucky we have cops in some of the major train hubs in light of the fact recruitment is so far down and retention is such a challenge,” Mauro said. “The idea that there is this vacuum of public safety, the very people weaponizing this vacuum, and we all know who they are, the AOCs of the world who have called it murder instantaneously, racialized, [and] white supremacy.”

Mauro added that a person of color appears to have been helping Penny, who is white, while on the subway and suggested charges will not be brought against that individual.

Brame also said she believes the case against Penny is racially motivated.

“We wouldn’t hear nothing about this story,” Brame said, referencing the notion if Penny had been black. “Just like we don’t hear anything about all the black-on-black crime that’s happening in our community.”

“As soon as it’s a white cop or a white person who does something to a black person, then all of a sudden, everybody wants to play the race card. Okay?” she continued. “And be the AOCs of the world and use the words like lynching and all kinds of different things like that, and everybody’s jumping on the bandwagon. I can tell you something right now, in the black community, we’re sick and tired of it. We’re tired of it, all right.”

Penny’s lawyers have released a statement, saying that their client was not acting in pursuit of harming Neely, but instead to protect himself and others from an erratic man having a mental health episode.

“When Mr. Neely began aggressively threatening Daniel Penny and the other passengers, Daniel, with the help of others, acted to protect themselves, until help arrived,” the statement read. “Daniel never intended to harm Mr. Neely and could not have foreseen his untimely death.”

Penny is due back in court on July 17.


Brame is the chairwoman of the Victims Rights Reform Council and said it’s time for NYC voters to demand change.

“Time to leave the plantation of the Democratic Party. Time to leave,” Brame said. “Because we have got nothing but dilapidated housing, failing schools, crime, unemployment, abortion, and every other horrible thing that you can absolutely think of.”

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