New poll shows Democratic centrist Jared Golden in trouble against Austin Theriault


A new poll found that centrist Rep. Jared Golden (D-ME) has fallen behind former NASCAR driver Austin Theriault.

A new Pan Atlantic Research survey, reported by Bangor Daily News, found 47% of support for Theriault, compared to 44% for Golden. It’s a marked turnaround from four years ago, when Golden was up by 20 points in polling. His lead has been chipped away at since, leading to him dropping behind.

“The writing’s on the wall,” Theriault campaign manager Shawn Roderick said in a statement. “Jared Golden is a flip-flopping, D.C. politician who is losing support from Maine sportsmen, lobstermen, law enforcement, Democrats, veterans, and more. Mainers are making it clear that they support Austin, an Aroostook County guy who will always put people over politics.”

Golden is one of the few remaining Democrats who won a district that was pulled by former President Donald Trump in 2020, casting himself as a centrist. He has not said whether he would be voting for Vice President Kamala Harris, something repeatedly harped on by Theriault.


The Maine Democrat was one of the first congressional Democrats to come out against President Joe Biden during his post-debate crisis in July, going further than most Democrats in saying Trump would probably win the election and that he was OK with that.

The Pan Atlantic Research survey polled 800 Maine 2nd District voters, with a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

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