Biden admits border will be ‘chaotic for a while’ after Title 42 lapse


President Joe Biden speaks to the media following a meeting with Congressional leaders about preventing a first-ever government default, Tuesday, May 9, 2023 in the Roosevelt Room at the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh) Susan Walsh/AP

Biden admits border will be ‘chaotic for a while’ after Title 42 lapse

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President Joe Biden acknowledged Tuesday that there will be chaos at the southern border for a period of time after the expiration of Title 42, saying his administration will gradually get the situation under control.

“It remains to be seen,” Biden said of the situation during a press conference at the White House. “It’s going to be chaotic for a while.”


Federal authorities have been bracing for a migrant surge ahead of Thursday’s end to a pandemic-era authority to remove immigrants without an asylum hearing.

Biden ordered 1,500 troops to the border in a support role. He told reporters on Tuesday that his team was setting up processing centers and that he had spoken by telephone with the president of Mexico earlier in the day.

“The two leaders discussed their ongoing efforts to strengthen the U.S.-Mexico bilateral relationship, including the importance of enhancing cooperation between the United States and Mexico to manage unprecedented migration in the region,” stated a White House readout of the call. “Toward that end, they discussed continued close coordination between border authorities and strong enforcement measures, in preparation for the return to full reliance on Title 8 immigration authorities at the U.S.-Mexico border, which carry steeper consequences for those removed than expulsion under Title 42.”

The border has been under strain for Biden’s whole term after the president eased Trump-era immigration controls. Record illegal immigration followed as immigrants believed they would be permitted to remain in the United States after crossing the border.

Ending Title 42 may further that impression while taking another tool away from federal officials as they seek to remove illegal immigrants expeditiously.

Biden has consistently received some of his lowest job approval ratings on immigration and the border. Vice President Kamala Harris has similarly been panned for her handling of the root causes of migration, a portfolio she was assigned early in the Biden administration.

Already there are images of large numbers of immigrants being housed near the border after crossing. Federal authorities fear the number growing further once the rule has expired.


Biden spoke to reporters after meeting with congressional leaders about the debt ceiling standoff.

“We agreed to continue our discussions, and we’re going to meet again on Friday. In the meantime, our staff are going to meet today and daily between now and then,” Biden said. “I made clear during our meeting that default is not an option.”

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