Joe Manchin breaks with Biden on debt ceiling fight: Washington Photos of the Week


Sen. Joe Manchin, a Democrat from West Virginia, takes questions from the press following the weekly Democratic caucus luncheon on Capitol Hill, on Tuesday, May 2, 2023. Manchin has pushed back on President Joe Biden's agenda regarding the debt ceiling. Lawmakers plan to meet with Biden next week to hash out bipartisan talks on a solution to the crisis.
Sen. Joe Manchin, a Democrat from West Virginia, takes questions from the press following the weekly Democratic caucus luncheon on Capitol Hill, on Tuesday, May 2, 2023. Manchin has pushed back on President Joe Biden’s agenda regarding the debt ceiling. Lawmakers plan to meet with Biden next week to hash out bipartisan talks on a solution to the crisis. Graeme Jennings/Graeme Jennings

Joe Manchin breaks with Biden on debt ceiling fight: Washington Photos of the Week

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Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) ramped up pressure on President Joe Biden this week to strike a deal with Republicans in exchange for raising the debt ceiling limit.

As the government could fall behind on its bills as early as June 1 if Congress doesn’t raise the borrowing limit, Biden wants a quick debt ceiling increase with no attached spending cuts. However, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has rallied Republicans around the Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023 that passed the House last month to raise the debt ceiling by $1.5 trillion if nondiscretionary federal spending drops to fiscal 2022 levels, budget increases are capped at 1% per year, and entitlement program work requirements are introduced.


The White House and top congressional Democrats have rejected the GOP proposal as a nonstarter, but Manchin sees an opening for a deficit reduction deal. Along with Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ), Manchin is urging Biden to negotiate with Republicans ahead of a planned White House meeting next week.

“Every day without action brings the American government closer to default and the American people closer to economic chaos,” Manchin said in a statement Monday. “I urge President Biden to show true leadership and finally put politics aside and the well-being of our nation first.”

Biden will host McCarthy and other congressional leaders at the White House on May 9 for a debt limit discussion.


Here’s a look at scenes from the week of May 1, 2023, captured by Washington Examiner photographer Graeme Jennings.

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