White House blasts passage of McCarthy debt bill, saying it will hurt people


White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre takes questions from the press during a press briefing at the White House, Wednesday, April 5, 2023, in Washington. The White House has been asked by the media to comment on the arraignment of former President Trump, but Karine Jean-Pierre has declined to comment.
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre takes questions from journalists during a press briefing at the White House on April 5, 2023, in Washington, D.C. (Graeme Jennings / Washington Examiner)

White House blasts passage of McCarthy debt bill, saying it will hurt people

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The White House lambasted the debt bill passed by Republicans in the House, saying it will hurt vulnerable people.

The Republican debt ceiling proposal called the Limit, Save, Grow Act, put forward by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), passed Wednesday in a 217-215 vote. All Democrats and four Republicans voted against the bill. The bill is unlikely to make it to the Senate floor for a vote, but some Republicans hope it will bring President Joe Biden to the negotiating table.


The Biden administration doesn’t appear receptive, with White House Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre releasing a statement bashing the proposal.

“House Republicans have passed a bill that cuts veterans’ health care, education, Meals on Wheels, and public safety, takes away health care from millions of Americans, and sends manufacturing jobs overseas while they fight to extend the Trump tax cuts for the wealthiest and profitable corporations,” she said.

“President Biden will never force middle class and working families to bear the burden of tax cuts for the wealthiest, as this bill does. The President has made clear this bill has no chance of becoming law,” she added.

Jean-Pierre then urged Republicans to “act immediately and without conditions” to ensure the United States doesn’t default on its debts. She pointed out that the U.S. has never defaulted on its debts and that it is Republicans’ job to ensure it never happens.

Jean-Pierre quoted former President Ronald Reagan, popular among conservatives, to support her point.

“The United States has a special responsibility to itself and the world to meet its obligations. It means we have a well-earned reputation for reliability and credibility — two things that set us apart in much of the world,” she said.

McCarthy praised the bill in a statement following its passage, portraying it as a victory for Republicans and the U.S.


“Republicans just passed the only bill in Washington to lift the debt ceiling, end wasteful Washington spending, and put America back on the right economic path. We’re going to limit the growth in the future and we’re going to save by pulling back,” he said.

“The president can no longer ignore by not negotiating. Sen. [Chuck] Schumer, if he thinks he’s got a plan, put it on the floor [and] see if it can pass,” he added.

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