Former White House doctor warns against Biden 2024 bid: ‘Probably will not make it the remainder of the two years’


Ronny Jackson, Joe Biden.png
Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX) (left) and President Joe Biden. (AP Photos)

Former White House doctor warns against Biden 2024 bid: ‘Probably will not make it the remainder of the two years’

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Former White House physician during the Obama and Trump administrations and current Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX) is sounding the alarm on President Joe Biden’s 2024 reelection bid.

“I know what it takes mentally, cognitively, and physically to do this job,” Jackson told Fox News’s Sean Hannity. “This man is a walking disaster right now. He’s gonna get us into trouble.”

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Jackson suggested that Biden’s cognitive abilities were a liability for the United States’s international security.

“I’m sounding the alarm bells every single day right now,” Jackson said. “This man is going to get us into a war with China, Russia, Iran, or North Korea. He’s incompetent. And he cannot — he probably will not make it the remainder of the two years that he has in this term.”

“To think he’s gonna serve another four years after that and be our commander in chief and head of state for six years?” he continued. “It’s terrifying. This man doesn’t know where he’s at or what he’s doing. It’s crazy, Sean. It is absolutely crazy, and the Left knows it, too.”

Jackson also blasted Biden’s team that is encouraging his reelection bid.

“Their ability to work in the White House and live in the White House day in and day out, whether it’s his family or whether it’s his senior staff, it’s all tied to the fact that he’s the president of the United States,” the congressman said. “When he’s not president anymore, their jobs, and their influence, and their authority all goes away. It evaporates the day he leaves.”

“These are people that are not concerned about the survival of this country, the national security. They’re not concerned about the future and the well-being for our kids,” Jackson added. “It’s pathetic. It’s very unpatriotic. It’s un-American.”


Biden declared his 2024 candidacy Tuesday morning in a recorded video message.

During a White House press briefing, White House press secretary Karine Jean Pierre declined to answer questions regarding Biden’s intentions to serve all four years of a second term should he be reelected, saying she’s “not going to get ahead of the president.”

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