Manchin joins Republicans in opposition to VA abortion policy


Tuberville Manchin press conference
Sens. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) hold a joint press conference. Office of Sen. Tommy Tuberville

Manchin joins Republicans in opposition to VA abortion policy

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Sens. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) held a joint press conference to announce a resolution to overturn a new Veterans Affairs abortion policy on Wednesday.

Joined by Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS), Tuberville announced the measure to reverse the VA’s September announcement that it would begin performing abortions. The Alabama Republican had originally introduced his measure on Feb. 8, but it will go to vote Wednesday evening. He described the VA’s policy as “illegal” and an abuse of taxpayer dollars.


“In a few hours, we’re going to vote to overturn the Veterans Affairs Department’s new abortion policy,” Tuberville said. “We’re going to vote to overturn it because it is illegal, it is wrong, and it abuses taxpayer dollars. In September, the VA announced they were going to start performing abortions. The VA had never done abortions before.”

He pointed out that President Joe Biden actually previously voted to ban abortion at the VA during his time in Congress.

“Congress banned abortion at the VA 30 years ago. It was unanimous. One of the senators who voted for that bill was Joe Biden,” Tuberville said. “We have never repealed this law. It is still on the books, and the administration needs to follow it. The administration doesn’t get to change the law without a vote in Congress.”

Manchin stressed that he believes abortion is a personal decision but that tax dollars should not go toward it. He then urged Biden to bring a law before Congress if he believed the VA should be able to perform abortions.

“The Hyde Amendment was that protection. It was that buffering that we weren’t forcing your dollars to be used for an abortion that you deeply, deeply disbelieved in,” Manchin said.


“If this has to be changed, it should be voted upon. If the legislation that the president wants to do and this administration, then bring it before in a piece of legislation, and let’s go through the process,” he added.

Manchin acknowledged that he will be the only Senate Democrat to support the bill. A companion bill is also going to a vote in the House.

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