Supplemental Security Income payments: First of double SSI checks next month worth $1,755 to be sent out in 17 days


Social Security cards are shown.
Social Security cards are shown. (iStock)

Supplemental Security Income payments: First of double SSI checks next month worth $1,755 to be sent out in 17 days

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Supplemental Security Income beneficiaries are 17 days away from the first of two payments in the month of December due to a scheduling quirk, worth a total of $1,755.

The first payment will be sent out to eligible recipients on Dec. 1, with the next of the monthly checks being delivered on Dec. 30 for those same recipients.


The Social Security Administration issues monthly SSI checks the business day prior to months which begin on a weekend or holiday to ensure recipients have the check by the first of the month, per the agency. This phenomenon results in recipients receiving two checks in the same calendar month multiple times a year. However, beneficiaries still only receive a total of 12 checks per year.

The Supplemental Security Income payment for January 2023 will be delivered on Friday, Dec. 30, 2022, because Jan. 1, 2023, falls on a Sunday this year. The Jan. 1 payment is always delivered early because New Year’s Day is a federal holiday.

In 2023, there will be four months with two payments under the same month: March, June, September, and December. This is because the first of the month falls on a weekend in April, July, and October.

The first payment in December will be set at 2022 rates, but the second payment, which is technically the January check, will be at 2023 rates set by the Social Security Administration. The increases are part of the yearly cost of living adjustments to make sure Social Security payments keep pace with inflation.


For individuals, the rate for 2022 payments is $841, while for 2023 payments it will be $914 per month. The rate for eligible couples for monthly payments in 2022 is $1,261, and the rate for 2023 is $1,371. Essential persons, people who live with someone receiving SSI and provide them with necessary care, have a monthly payment rate of $421 for 2022 and will have a rate of $458 in 2023.

SSI payments were first issued by the Social Security Administration in January 1974, with payment rates increasing for cost of living adjustments since 1975, according to the agency.

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