James Comer suggests GOP may have evidence Joe Biden knew of Hunter’s business dealings


James Comer, Jamie Raskin
FILE – House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., speaks during a House Committee on Oversight and Accountability hearing on Capitol Hill, Feb. 8, 2023, in Washington. House Republicans have made the first official requests for documents from Hunter and James Biden regarding foreign business dealings. The letters Thursday further escalated a wide-ranging investigation into the president’s family. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File) Carolyn Kaster/AP

James Comer suggests GOP may have evidence Joe Biden knew of Hunter’s business dealings

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House Oversight Chair James Comer (R-KY) suggested that there is evidence that President Joe Biden may have been privy to his son Hunter Biden‘s business dealings.

“We know that Joe Biden said during the presidential campaign that he had no knowledge of his son’s business interests. He wasn’t involved. He didn’t benefit from them. We have evidence that would suggest otherwise. And this is very concerning,” Comer said on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos.


Comer, who has been investigating the president’s involvement in his family’s overseas business dealings, did not give any specifics on what evidence may have suggested the president was aware of his son’s dealings.

Recently, Hunter Biden’s lawyer spurned a request for records about Hunter’s business activity related to China, contending that the first son was a private citizen entitled to certain protections from congressional investigations.

Democrats have raged against the inquiry, blasting Comer for harboring political motivations in his investigation. Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) recently argued that Republicans should also take a look at a $2 billion investment the Saudis sent to a firm linked to Jared Kushner.

Comer underscored that “everything’s on the table” and argued that Congress may need to consider reforming its disclosure laws and juxtaposed Kushner’s interactions toward Congress with the younger Biden.

“I don’t disagree with the Democrats and their criticism of the previous administration. We have a problem here that needs a legislative solution,” Comer said. “We need to have strict ethics laws. And we need to significantly increase the disclosure laws in America. So I think this investigation is going to be very important.”

“The difference between Jared Kushner and Hunter Biden is that Jared Kushner actually sat down with was interviewed. He was interviewed by investigators. So he’s already been investigated,” he added. “Thus far, Hunter Biden’s attorneys, the president’s attorneys, the president’s White House, they’re doing everything they can to block our investigation.”


During the interview, Comer also rebutted Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) criticism of Republicans for not having a plan to raise the debt ceiling. House Republicans have demanded that raising the debt limit be paired with spending cuts but have not outlined what programs they want to cut.

“We’re going to be coming forward with a plan. This doesn’t have to come forward before July. Obviously, I’d like for the plan to come forward next week,” Comer said. “When you get to the point to where you’ve got to make cuts, it’s a lot tougher. We’re not going to cut Social Security or Medicare. We’ve been very clear.”

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