Opinion - Page 5

Digital flourishing: A New Year’s resolution worth keeping

As we usher in a new year, countless resolutions will focus on our relationship with digital technology, with many centering on a singular goal:...

Where does Disney go from here?

The political and cultural shift against the political Left in 2024 has left Disney in a difficult spot. So, where should the entertainment giant...

Anti-Jewish ugliness at elite Ivy League campuses demands federal response

Once upon a time, the Ivy League symbolized American excellence in education. Its eight institutions were beacons around the world because of their commitment...

Time for Trump to drop lawsuits and for the press to apologize

Maybe the lesson this Christmas season is that even if turnabout is fair play, at some point, enough is enough. Start with the specious lawsuits...

The winners and losers of 2024

With Christmas in the rearview mirror, the end of the year is fast approaching, and it was a doozy. It’s hard to argue that...

Let the market help save Social Security

Perhaps the single biggest dereliction of duty between the two major presidential campaigns this year was their refusal to get serious about the crisis...

Capitol Nativity display is a victory for religious liberty

Imagine attending a party to celebrate someone, only to find the room filled with decorations and pictures of everyone but the honoree. Strange, right?...

In defense of The Polar Express

The Polar Express came out 20 years ago last month. It’s hard to believe that two decades have passed since it hit theaters. I...

Let ‘The Word’ of wisdom go forth this Christmas

In a perilous world, consider that the famous first lines of the Gospel of John, those traditional Christmas verses, can offer something important to...

Turkey is the big winner in Syria 

As Christians around the world celebrate Christmas, there is no joy among the ancient Christian community of Syria. There have been Christians there longer...

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