Why did NBC censor an NFL player holding up Christian jewelry?


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Jacksonville Jaguars kicker Riley Patterson holding up a cross necklace after kicking a game-winning field goal Screenshot capture on Twitter from Christopher Tremoglie (@cwtremo) <a href=”https://twitter.com/cwtremo/”>https://twitter.com/cwtremo/</a>status/1614485418359103488 at 0:03 second mark

Why did NBC censor an NFL player holding up Christian jewelry?

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Saturday night’s NFL playoff game between the Jacksonville Jaguars and the Los Angeles Chargers was one for the ages. The Jaguars completed one of the biggest comebacks in NFL history, overcoming a 27-0 deficit and winning the game on a last-second field goal by kicker Riley Patterson.

Before the kick, Patterson pulled out a cross he was wearing around his neck and kissed it. After his game-winning boot, while celebrating, Patterson held up the cross in what appeared to be his way of giving thanks to God. Yet, as soon as he did this, NBC purposely seemed to cut away from Patterson holding up the cross.


Based on the sequence of events and the many cameras that refused to show Patterson holding up his cross, this appeared to occur on purpose. It would be a logical conclusion to anyone who watched the kick live. The entire incident was trending on Twitter Saturday night, with many people noticing that NBC cut away from Patterson as soon as he held up his cross.

This was a stark contrast from when network cameras focused intensely on NFL players kneeling for the anthem a few years back. NBC had every opportunity to show Patterson, but each time they tried to cut to him after the kick, he was holding up his cross, and cameras almost immediately cut away before it appeared on television.

Sadly, these anti-religious, Christophobic tactics are becoming all too familiar in our country. Television has zero problems showing a man dressed and identifying as a woman or couples participating in sexually-suggestive behavior; however, showing an athlete thanking the Lord is too much for television.

It’s a sad reflection of our current society. The cultural elite and their accomplices in the media will do everything in their power to silence positive displays of Christianity. No other religion endures these kinds of attacks (especially subliminal ones like this) than Christianity. Patterson’s celebration should have received the same attention and coverage on NBC as NFL players protesting “social justice.”


Patterson’s enthusiasm for celebrating Christianity was just the latest cultural slight by the Left. Given their desire to eliminate the country’s Christian foundation and its founding Judeo-Christian principles from our society, he won’t be the last. Christians, and all religious people, must resist these left-wing attacks and push back against this shift away from God.

Because despite the Left’s best efforts, the United States is not a godless country. Now, it’s up to Christians to ensure it will never become one.

© 2023 Washington Examiner

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