Biden’s affirmative action Cabinet is as incompetent as he is


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Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. (Susan Walsh/AP)

Biden’s affirmative action Cabinet is as incompetent as he is

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President Joe Biden’s affirmative action Cabinet has been a disaster, another sign of his incompetence and how far the Democratic Party has descended into identity politics decay.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has overseen several crises, from supply chain issues that caused shortages in ADHD medication and baby formula to widespread airline cancellations, a problem that was amplified when the Federal Aviation Administration’s computer system crashed.


What exactly were Buttigieg’s qualifications to run the Transportation Department? Well, he was the mayor of a town of 100,000 people, and he is gay. Yes, Buttigieg became the first openly gay Senate-confirmed Cabinet member as part of Biden’s “Cabinet of firsts.” Biden, you may recall, decided to fill his Cabinet using diversity quotas, ensuring that every identity activist group was represented and focusing on “making history” instead of on selecting competent leaders.

Buttigieg, who has spent his time vacationing during crises and talking about racist roads, is the most prominent example, but he is not the only one. Xavier Becerra was plucked out of the California attorney general’s office to serve as the Health and Human Services secretary, despite the fact that he had no experience in healthcare or public health. Biden, who ran on addressing the COVID-19 pandemic, chose a health secretary who went on to be absent from the administration’s pandemic response. Becerra hasn’t gotten much better since, either.

And then, there is Kamala Harris, who was only chosen to be vice president so that Biden could claim he chose the first black woman vice president. Harris had proven herself incompetent during the 2020 presidential race, in which her campaign flamed out before voting even began in Iowa, and has since repeatedly shown that she is as shallow as to be expected from someone chosen only to fill demographic quotas.


You would think with Biden’s lack of competence, assembling a competent team around him would have been his team’s top priority. Instead, Biden and his team succumbed to the identity politics plague that has burned through the entire Democratic Party. Hiring people who were qualified took a back seat to hiring people to be the “first” secretary from a demographic group, and the results have been predictably disastrous from the beginning.

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