New York Democrats introduce SANTOS Act to punish lawmakers who lie about background


George Santos
Rep. George Santos, R-N.Y., departs Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

New York Democrats introduce SANTOS Act to punish lawmakers who lie about background

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A pair of Democratic lawmakers from New York introduced a bill that would punish candidates for lying about their background while running for office — legislation that targets their Republican colleague, Rep. George Santos (R-NY).

Reps. Dan Goldman (D-NY) and Ritchie Torres (D-NY) introduced the “Stopping Another Non Truthful Office Seeker” Act in the House on Thursday, targeting the Republican freshman as he faces widespread criticism and calls to resign after he fabricated several details of his resume. The bill would require candidates to submit additional biographical information when filing for office, and it would impose penalties for those who are caught lying about their background.


Goldman said about the SANTOS Act: “The web of lies George Santos used to defraud his voters is a threat to our free and fair elections, and we have an obligation to ensure nothing like this ever happens again. His entire candidacy for Congress was predicated on a campaign of disinformation designed to deceive the voters. Santos lied about his entire biography and resume, including religion, family history, education, and professional experience. I am proud to join my fellow New York Congressman Ritchie Torres to introduce this critical piece of legislation to safeguard the democratic process.”

The SANTOS Act seeks to amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1972 to include a requirement that all congressional candidates submit data about their educational, employment, and military background. Any candidate who knowingly provides false information would be subject to a $100,000 fine, one year in prison, or both.

The legislation comes in direct response to the swearing-in of Santos, who was elected to Congress in November after defeating Democratic candidate Robert Zimmerman to represent New York’s 3rd Congressional District.

Santos has come under fire since his win due to inconsistencies on his resume, with criticisms only intensifying in late December when he admitted to fabricating several details about his professional life. While on the campaign trail, Santos made false statements about his educational background, work experience, finances, and other personal details.

The revelations sparked outrage among Democrats and a handful of Republicans, who have since called on the newly sworn-in congressman to resign just two weeks into his term. A group of New York Republicans urged Santos to step down during a press conference on Wednesday, joining their Democratic counterparts who have hurled criticisms at the freshman lawmaker since last month.

Santos also faces a slew of investigations into his finances after it was discovered there were a number of unusual expenses on his campaign filings for the 2022 midterm cycle. Goldman and Torres filed a complaint to the House Ethics Committee on Tuesday, requesting the committee investigate his campaign financial disclosure reports.


Torres also said: “I am appalled at the level to which George Santos has purposefully and continually lied to the American public about every facet of his professional and personal life. His deception is a stain on our Democratic process and threatens to corrupt the very institution in which I am deeply humbled and proud to serve. We must work to ensure that our elected leaders are being truthful and transparent with voters, and I remain as committed as ever to doing just that.”

Santos defended his conduct shortly after Goldman and Torres submitted the complaint, maintaining he has “done nothing unethical.” The New York Republican has repeatedly refused to resign.

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