Biden should deport Prince Harry to kick off immigration crisis crackdown


092917 Correll Invictus Games pic
Vice President Joe Biden, his wife Jill, former President Barack Obama and Britain’s Prince Harry watch wheelchair basketball at the Invictus Games in Toronto on Friday. (Chris Donovan/The Canadian Press via AP) Chris Donovan

Biden should deport Prince Harry to kick off immigration crisis crackdown

As Joe Biden finally heads to the southern border for the first time, not just in his presidency but his entire political career, a prominent and privileged immigrant to the States has bragged about violating U.S. immigration law. Amid a historic immigration crisis plaguing the country, Prince Harry almost surely lied to immigration authorities about his prevalent use of Schedule I drugs and Schedule II narcotics.

According to George Washington University immigration professor Alberto Benitez, the son of King Charles III would have been asked about his prior drug use upon his application to reside in the United States with his American wife, Meghan.

“If he was truthful in his answers, he should have been denied,” Benitez told the Telegraph.

If Biden is serious about cracking down on the country’s current immigration crisis, there would be no better way to signal his seriousness than to deport a high-profile, wildly privileged prince who, if he did indeed lie to immigration officials, committed a felony.

Although Harry has used his memoir to brag about his use of cocaine, cannabis, and psychedelics, his immigration status is unclear. Previous reports claimed that he is not seeking American citizenship, which would require him to renounce any foreign titles or orders of nobility. Immigration experts have said that Harry most likely has an O-1 visa, which is reserved for immigrants with “extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics, or who has a demonstrated record of extraordinary achievement in the motion picture or television industry and has been recognized nationally or internationally for those achievements.”

Unlike O-1 beneficiary Hugh Jackman, he is not an actor or a singer. His polo prowess is far from “extraordinary,” and as far as academics go, he has exactly two A-levels: one B in art and another D in geography. His current source of income is publicly and incessantly complaining about his father, who, until Harry was 36 years old, bankrolled his entire life.


Yes, getting the immigration crisis under control means securing the southern border, but it also means cracking down on immigrants who overstay their visas or commit felonies to obtain them. If the buck really stops with Biden, he should make a lesson of Harry to prove that nobody — not even the disgraced prince of the United Kingdom — is above the law.

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