Liberal journalists want you to hate football


Bills Hamlin Football
A sign sits along a fence outside UC Medical Center where Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamiln remains hospitalized, Thursday, Jan. 5, 2023, in Cincinnati. Damar Hamlin has shown what physicians treating him are calling “remarkable improvement over the past 24 hours,” the team announced in a statement on Thursday, three days after the player went into cardiac arrest and had to be resuscitated on the field. (AP Photo/Joshua A. Bickel)

Liberal journalists want you to hate football

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Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin’s heart attack has brought the knives out from liberal journalists for the sport of football itself.

For some reason, reporters decided that President Joe Biden should be asked about the incident that left Hamlin hospitalized. One reporter asked Biden if he thought that “the NFL is getting too dangerous.” But, while Hamlin’s condition is obviously tragic, it is also an anomaly. It occurred on a completely routine tackle, one that occurs multiple times in every single game. There has never been an instance when such a hit sent a player into cardiac arrest. How could the conclusion possibly be that the sport is suddenly “too dangerous” after a freak incident?


Yet the complaints go on. Kurt Streeter at the New York Times shamed football fans for daring to enjoy the sport, calling them “complicit” in the “gruesome,” “terrifying,” “violent spectacle” of the NFL. Never mind that hockey, soccer, basketball, and baseball have also seen players collapse on the field after fluke injuries or heart problems. Only football is singled out.

Why? Because, in the words of the Washington Post’s Robin Givhan, “football violence is wrapped up in machismo, militarism, swagger and patriotism.” Liberal journalists do not like these things, and so they have to mislead readers that only football players suffer from broken bones or torn ligaments, as Givhan portrays it.

Givhan even gave a pass to boxing, a far more brutal sport that saw two deaths last year and 20 deaths in the last decade, because boxing was “honest” about its violence. Football, meanwhile, was about “big city capitalism,” saying that the sport was mired in racism and sexism.

The NFL became an enemy of the establishment media when the league didn’t immediately bend the knee to social justice alongside former quarterback Colin Kaepernick, and journalists continue to use it as a punching bag for racism when it comes to hiring head coaches, but the problem runs deeper. Football is a masculine sport, something liberal journalists are also inclined to dislike, but that isn’t it, either.


Football is unifying. It is the most popular cultural pillar in the entire country. No other area of our culture, from other sports to music to movies and television, draws in more people. It unites people across the country, regardless of state, race, religion, background, or any other dividing factor. Corporate media outlets revolve around dividing people, and the NFL, for all of its troubles, is the great uniter.

That is why, since Kaepernick’s protests, there has been a concerted effort to amplify or create scandals in the NFL world. The NFL is unifying and successful — therefore, it is now an enemy of liberal journalists who want you to be miserable, angry, and constantly obsessed with politics and negativity.

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