Biden is shocked that he hasn’t unified the country by dividing it


Joe Biden
President Joe Biden speaks at a campaign event for New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, Sunday, Nov. 6, 2022, at Sarah Lawrence College in Yonkers, N.Y. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky) Patrick Semansky/AP

Biden is shocked that he hasn’t unified the country by dividing it

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President Joe Biden is downright shocked that the country isn’t unified and politically healthy after he spent the last two years dividing it.

New York Times chief White House correspondent Peter Baker detailed the president’s feelings, writing that “these are frustrating, even perplexing times for Mr. Biden, who according to confidants had expected the fever of polarizing politics to have broken by now and was surprised that it had not.”


Apparently, Biden thought that “if he could simply govern well, everything would work out,” but instead “The presidency he envisioned, one where he presided over a moment of reconciliation, is not the presidency he has gotten.”

Of course, Biden has not governed well — he has left disasters in his wake from Afghanistan to inflation, but that is beside the point. The unity and reconciliation Biden was envisioning is what he ran on. He ran as the great uniter, good old Uncle Joe, whose “empathy” and soft-spoken grandpa voice would bring down the national temperature. Then he proceeded to do exactly the opposite — to demonize Republicans and conservatives at every turn, even going after Democrats who didn’t fall in line with his agenda, and to push his party as hard to the left as he could.

You may recall that it was Biden who went on ESPN and pressured Major League Baseball to move its All-Star Weekend out of Atlanta. He called Georgia’s voting law “Jim Crow on steroids” and said it “makes Jim Crow look like Jim Eagle” (whatever that means), in the process smearing all conservatives who supported the milquetoast law that strengthened election protections while making it easier to vote.

Biden then said of Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) that they could be on his side, the side of Abraham Lincoln and John Lewis, or the Republican side, the side of Bull Connor and George Wallace. Is it really any surprise that “all conservatives are segregationists” didn’t break the fever of our polarizing politics?

That does not include Biden’s other greatest hits. He has said that anyone who accepted loans to keep their businesses afloat during a pandemic where governments shut down those businesses isn’t allowed to criticize his spending plans. He has demonized oil companies for not drilling more, while simultaneously saying he would end all drilling. He has boasted about wanting to put coal workers out of work, even as he lies about what he said.

Stop me when you determine which of these things was supposed to help unify the country.


Biden’s whole unity act was always a fraud. This is the same guy who said Mitt Romney would put black people “back in chains,” after all. But it appears Biden fooled even himself into thinking he was a beloved unifying figure rather than the lifelong partisan Democrat he always was. Biden expected the country to just do everything he wanted without him putting any effort into it. Unsurprisingly, his presidency has been a failure — and the voters will now have their chance to render judgment.

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