College professor accuses stabbed officers of ‘murdering’ knife-wielding attacker


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College professor accuses stabbed officers of ‘murdering’ knife-wielding attacker

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A professor at Stony Brook University in New York is under fire for accusing police officers of murder after they killed a knife-wielding man who stabbed them.

The incident occurred on Dec. 28 when Suffolk County officers responded to a report that the suspect was armed with a fire extinguisher and threatening his roommate, according to a report.


When the officers arrived on the scene, the suspect attacked them with a knife, leaving two officers with serious stab wounds, the report noted, and one of the officers suffered life-threatening neck wounds.

Surviving the attack, at least one of the officers used his firearm to fatally shoot the suspect, leading to Stony Brook professor Anna Hayward calling the officers murderers.

“This was a wellness check — why didn’t they de-escalate the situation?” she said in a now-deleted comment on a Stony Brook Medicine Instagram update about the officers, the report noted.

“Why did a man have to die? What about the man they murdered?” Hayward added.

Vice President of the Suffolk County PBA Lou Civello ripped Hayward’s accusations that the suspect was “murdered.”

“While a Suffolk County Police Officer fights for his life after being stabbed in the neck, an anti-police professor slanderously referred to him and his partner as murderers,” Civello said.

“Stony Brook University professor Dr. Anna Hayward displayed a stunning level of ignorance when she callously commented on Stony Brook’s official page denouncing the police and condemning the actions of these hero cops who stopped an armed criminal and saved others from harm.”

The educator’s social media is filled with anti-law enforcement posts, Civello added.

“Stony Brook University must denounce Dr. Hayward’s hateful comments and should put an end to the harmful anti-police bias in their program,” according to Civello. “Stony Brook University Medical Center’s outstanding care performed a miracle in saving these police officers’ lives. It’s shameful that Dr. Hayward would sully the reputation of the entire Stony Brook community with her anti-police rhetoric.”


Stony Brook University officials addressed Hayward’s remarks in a Monday night statement, which did not appear to denounce her sentiment.

“We appreciate the members of law enforcement who work to keep our community safe, and we are proud of our doctors at Stony Brook Medicine for the quality medical care they provided the injured officers; we wish them a speedy recovery,” the statement read. “The comments made online were from what appears to be a faculty member’s private account that is not affiliated with Stony Brook University.”

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