Year in Review: Moments when celebrities chose faith despite criticism in 2022


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Chris Pratt (left), Candance Cameron Bure (center), and Mark Wahlberg (right). (AP Photos)

Year in Review: Moments when celebrities chose faith despite criticism in 2022

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Despite societal pressures to cave in, some celebrities, including Chris Pratt, Candace Cameron Bure, and Mark Wahlberg, chose to stand by their convictions and be guided by their Christian faith when met with criticism.

Former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow said pushback is to be expected “when you do stand for something.” Tebow told Fox News’s One Nation in November that he understands the pressures that actor Chris Pratt has faced regarding being open about his faith.


“I’ve heard Chris share. … We’re friends with some of the same people,” Tebow said. “I think that when you do stand for something, you will get criticized, but I ultimately believe that when you believe you’re standing for what’s right and what is true and sustaining to try to honor God, even though all of us fall short, I still think that it’s worthy, and it’s worth it.”

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Pratt, who has starred in the Jurassic World trilogy and Marvel films, gained attention for his faith when he discussed it while accepting an award in 2018 at the MTV Movie & TV Awards, saying: “God is real. God loves you. God wants the best for you. Believe that; I do.”

“Maybe it was hubris for me to stand up on the stage and say the things that I said,” Pratt said, reflecting on his acceptance speech in an interview with Men’s Health. “I didn’t know that I would kind of become the face of religion when really I’m not a religious person.”

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“I think there’s a distinction between being religious — adhering to the customs created by man, oftentimes appropriating the awe reserved for who I believe is a very real God — and using it to control people, to take money from people, to abuse children, to steal land, to justify hatred,” he continued. “Whatever it is. The evil that’s in the heart of every single man has glommed on to the back of religion and come along for the ride.”

In 2020, Pratt was at the center of a Hollywood debate regarding who is film’s “Worst Chris,” causing his wife, Katherine Schwarzenegger, and his Marvel co-stars, Robert Downey Jr. and Mark Ruffalo, to defend him on social media.

“You all, [Chris Pratt] is as solid a man there is. I know him personally, and instead of casting aspersions, look at how he lives his life,” Ruffalo tweeted.

Pratt has not been shy about sharing images of crosses and Bible verses on social media or talking about God in interviews.


Actress Candace Cameron Bure has also not been shy about speaking of the influence of her faith in her life. In November, Bure said she is grateful for her family, friends, and faith in God as she reflected on a “difficult year” that included “a lot of loss.”

“I’ve had a very difficult year on a personal level, which has really shown me who my true friends are,” Bure told Fox News, detailing the impact of the unexpected death of her TV father, Bob Saget; a fire in her office; and health concerns hitting those closest to her. “My faith is so the core and foundation of who I am that sometimes I don’t verbally acknowledge it because it’s just my assumption. It’s like, well, ‘If you get Candace, you get faith.’ It’s one and the same. It is with me all the time. It is in all that I do.”

Bure faced criticism for her Christian faith and stance on marriage following her departure from Hallmark in April as the network began embracing pro-LGBT narratives. Since joining Great American Family, an upstart cable channel hoping to produce a wholesome alternative to holiday entertainment, she has been blasted for saying she expects that “Great American Family will keep traditional marriage at the core.”

Bure pushed back against the criticism in an Instagram post, saying, “It breaks my heart that anyone would ever think I intentionally would want to offend or hurt anyone.”

“I’ve never been interested in proselytizing through my storytelling, but in celebrating God’s greatness in our lives through the stories I tell. The God we serve is a wildly creative and loving God. He didn’t just capture a small part of my heart, He has captured all of my heart. He will be reflected in everything I do and say; in my family, my work and my interactions with people from all walks of life, God’s love and God’s compassion is front and center,” Bure wrote.


Actor Mark Wahlberg was commended for breaking the Hollywood mold and being vocal about how his faith in God is influencing his life, encouraging people to “stay prayed up” in videos posted to Instagram.

“So lovely to see you Mark showing your faith and encouraging and giving support to people,” @yellowjerinne commented on Instagram.

“I love this as well,” @bklyngirl1967 replied. ”These days that’s hard to find.”

While others have questioned the integrity of Wahlberg’s faith and the appropriateness of him taking “[God’s] name in vain, dropping the F-bomb” on movie sets, Instagram user @derytreadway defended Wahlberg, saying, “It is acting. And that my dear is between Mark and God.”

Wahlberg grew up in the public eye as “Marky Mark,” in the 1990s band Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch, along with being a Calvin Klein model before landing acting roles, including the 1997 acclaimed film Boogie Nights.

Wahlberg’s career has had its ups and downs as he found himself in the midst of run-ins with crime as a teenager. In 1988, he spent 45 days in prison for racially motivated attacks.

“I’ve never been shy about sharing my past and the bad decisions I’ve made and being affiliated with gangs, being incarcerated,” Wahlberg has said, noting he now shares how his faith has helped turn his life around in hopes of helping troubled youth. ”Absolutely, I think they can identify with me on a personal level, and that’s why I’ve continued to try to do as much as I can to help young people.”


Christian actor Chad Michael Murray has also committed to being an example for others.

In May, Murray said he has turned down numerous roles in order to “stick to the things” that are in line with his beliefs.

“I stick to the things I believe in,” Murray said. “Let’s just say if a piece of material were to come across my desk, which has happened plenty of times over the last 22 years, that I don’t necessarily feel is what I believe or what I’m selling — then that’s not for me.”

Murray said his daily devotionals and time spent reading the Bible help him stay grounded in Hollywood. The actor has the Bible verse of 1 Timothy 4:12, which encourages setting “an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity,” pinned to his Twitter profile.


“I get up every day, and I put that spiritual armor on, read the Bible, and do some devotionals and then get ready to go to work,” Murray said, adding, “I feel stronger and safer walking onto my sets every day knowing that I have God with me every day. Jesus is there with me every day. … When you have that comfort that you just feel safe, you feel different, you feel the opportunity to handle more, your shoulders are bigger, you can carry more weight.”

Murray is perhaps best known for his role in the TV series One Tree Hill. His newest film, Fortress: Sniper’s Eye, was released on April 29.

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