Our oversexualized culture enables teachers to become abusers


The past few years have seen several scandals involving school teachers having sexual relations with their underage students. Our oversexualized culture is to blame.

In 2023, there was a surprising frequency of stories that made the news featuring teachers all over the country, many of them relatively younger women, who had engaged with their underage students sexually by sending them naked images online, sexting them, or going all the way.

There have long been cases of teachers sexually assaulting students, but the recent surprises come in the amount of young female teachers who are doing it as opposed to just older men. According to the most reliable poll by the National Criminal Justice Reference Service, the statistical possibility of a K-12 child being sexually assaulted by a school employee at least once exceeds a startling 10%. 

This worrying school environment is developed through radical ideas that have been spreading in the culture for too long. Leftist radicals have weaponized language to redefine our most basic terms with the goal of destroying traditional values. What was once a pregnant woman is now a “birthing person,” what was once a husband or wife is now a “partner,” etc. 

One of the relevant terms here is “minor-attracted persons (MAPs),” formerly known as pedophiles. This new trendy term joins a long list of made-up phrases to excuse people who practice bad behaviors from their moral responsibilities. For example, rather than saying “I think,” one now says “I feel like” so that their opinion cannot be criticized or incorrect. Similarly, calling a pedophile a MAP excuses people who like sex with children but have not acted on it yet. 

The manipulation of language is one of the many tools the Left has used over the past several decades to radically sexualize our culture. Sex was transformed from a sacred and procreational function into a meaningless and recreational one. Walking in step with their ideological father Karl Marx, who promoted the “abolition of the family,” they have used sex to do just that by using it as their guiding light toward self-liberation.


It has reached such an extreme point that now, legions of federally-funded “educators” are spending most of the weekdays alone with K-12 children deliberately teaching them how to perform perverse sexual activities, sharing their personal sexual lives and experiences with them, and lying to them about the objective distinctions between men and women to affirm themselves further for being so sick. All the while, they are hiding this from their parents.

Our oversexualized culture is creating generations of people who increasingly view sex as morally unrestrictable and liberating; government programs, national institutions, and pop culture have fueled this fire. But when “love is love” becomes a sexual moral framework for society, as it is now more than ever before, you get teachers turning into pedophiles. 

Parker Miller is a 2024 Washington Examiner winter fellow.

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