AOC’s ceasefire comments are delusional
Zachary Faria
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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is a perfect example of what happens when inexperienced people prioritize being an ideologue over facing reality.
Ocasio-Cortez claimed that calling for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas “means transcending cycles of violence.” According to Ocasio-Cortez, “To me, in that sense, a ceasefire is not just realpolitik. It is spiritual. We are being called to be higher than our history. We are being called to transcend the tit for tat.” She also said that the only solution to the conflict is diplomatic.
This is all sophomoric drivel. The lines Ocasio-Cortez is peddling could have been ripped from the term paper of a C-plus political science major. For all the sanctimonious lecturing about the lives of innocents, describing a ceasefire as “spiritual” and about “transcending cycles of violence” is as insulting as whatever straw man Ocasio-Cortez is losing to in her speech.
Most importantly, it is mind-numbingly ignorant of the reality of the actual conflict. In what world but her fantasy world is a terrorist organization dedicated to killing Jews and destroying Israel going to “transcend cycles of violence”? While the practical questions, such as what Israel should do after the war, are difficult to answer, the reality of the conflict is easy to understand. Israel ties its hands behind its back in order to avoid as many civilian casualties as possible. Hamas built its headquarters under a hospital and wants to prevent Palestinians from fleeing the war zone so they can parade their corpses as propaganda.
One side is good. One side is evil. It is that easy.
But, what is most telling is that Ocasio-Cortez claims “We are being called to transcend the tit for tat.” She calls for that after Hamas terrorists slaughtered some 1,200 civilians, meaning she thinks that Israel should simply let it go. She thinks that when Hamas fires missiles at civilian targets in Israel, Israel should let it go. The terrorists are allowed to be terrorists, but if we are going to “transcend cycles of violence,” it means Israel must simply allow the terrorists to be terrorists.
In case you need any context to verify that this is Ocasio-Cortez’s view (wittingly or not), there was already a ceasefire in place when Hamas invaded Israel and massacred those 1,200 civilians. She doesn’t want a ceasefire. She just wants Israel to cease firing.
Ocasio-Cortez’s statements may sound intelligent and profound on a college campus or in her progressive bubble, but in reality it reinforces just how delusional she is. The fact that people in her district have repeatedly chosen her to represent them reflects poorly on them as much as Ocasio-Cortez’s comments reflect poorly on her intellect.