Where do the Biden border crisis immigrants go?



Where do the Biden border crisis immigrants go?

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How bad is the Biden border crisis about to get when Border Patrol can no longer use Title 42 as an immigration enforcement tool? So bad that even CNN is ready to admit the southern border is in crisis.

“We have a leak,” Hidalgo County Judge Richard Cortez, who is a Democrat, told CNN Thursday. “We need a plumber to come and stop the leak. And instead, what we’re doing is we’re sending us more buckets to hold the water.”


Currently, about 6,000 immigrants are being arrested each day for illegally crossing the southern border. Some estimate that after Title 42 is gone, that number will rise to 14,000, further overwhelming border communities that have been in crisis mode since President Joe Biden took office and abandoned the successful Remain in Mexico policy.

But most immigrants eventually move on from the border to other communities in the United States. What happens to them, then? This February, Reuters tracked down one 16-year-old Guatemalan girl who was reunited with her sister in Enterprise, Alabama, where the two of them now work in a chicken processing plant.

“Enterprise welcomes us,” Amelia’s older sister Rosa, who arrived illegally over a decade ago and has two children born in the U.S., told Reuters. “The jobs are waiting for us.”

Today, Reuters is back, again in Alabama, this time talking to underaged Guatemalans working in auto part factories. Like Amelia, many of the children working in the auto parts factories procured fake identification materials from brokers who help staffing companies find cheap foreign labor. Also, like Amelia, many of these Guatemalans are being reunited with family who crossed illegally years before.

“Early this year, the father had been working poultry jobs,” Reuters reports on one migrant girl. “Troubled by the family’s meager income and hoping to send money to family back in Central America, the girl, who wasn’t attending school, asked her father if she too could get a job, he said. He agreed.”

The tenacity and work ethic of millions of immigrants who are crossing the border illegally to make life better for their families has to be admired. But these immigrants are also abusing our asylum system. Living in a poor country does not give anyone a right to enter the U.S.

According to U.S. law, only those immigrants who face persecution in their home country due to race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion qualify for asylum. The vast majority of immigrants illegally crossing the southern border now do not meet this test. Yet they come anyway because they know after they are caught by Border Patrol, Biden will release them into the country, where they can then get jobs at chicken processing plants and auto parts factories. And they know that after that, Biden will make no effort to track them down and deport them when their asylum claims nearly all fail. Instead, they will be allowed to stay forever as long as they don’t commit any violent felonies.

The ones who can prove they entered before their 18th birthday may even be rewarded with quasi-legal status, as those in the country were given in 2012 when President Barack Obama announced his Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

Until these loopholes are closed, and until immigrants know they will be turned away at the border instead of being processed and released into the U.S., Biden’s border crisis will only get worse.


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