Oregon government health survey asked sixth graders if they were nonbinary or trans


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Oregon government health survey asked sixth graders if they were nonbinary or trans

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The Oregon Health Authority’s annual student health survey asked students as young as sixth grade about their sexual orientation and gender identity.

Participation in the survey was voluntary and anonymous, the Oregon Health Authority says on its website. The questionnaire was administered to students in September.


The survey contained numerous questions on student demographics, including race, ethnicity, disabilities, and the behaviors of students’ parents.

But one portion of the survey asked students about their sexual orientation, with numerous options, including “asexual or aromantic” and “pansexual,” listed. Students were also asked if they identified as “nonbinary,” “genderfluid,” “agender,” or as a “demigirl/demiboy.”

The gender identity section also included an option for “two spirit” but instructed survey participants to only mark that option if they identified as “American Indian/Alaska Native.” The federal government’s Indian Health Service says the term refers to Native Americans “who combined activities of both men and women with traits unique to their status as two-spirit people.” They were considered to be neither male nor female.

The Oregon Health Authority did not respond to a request for comment from the Washington Examiner.

Student demographic surveys like the one in Oregon have been a source of concern for some parent activists, who consider the surveys to be intrusive and note that parents are often not provided with adequate opportunities to opt their child out of taking it.

Ian Prior, a senior adviser at the conservative America First Legal, blasted the Oregon Health Authority surveys as “completely inappropriate for school-aged children,” saying they serve as “further evidence that schools are pushing a dangerous agenda on children that can have irreversible damage.”


“It is no longer enough for schools to provide opt-outs to parents, whose inboxes are already flooded with emails from their school systems on bus delays, districtwide announcements, and other information,” Prior told the Washington Examiner. “There needs to be a full effort to investigate these efforts at the federal and state level and put a stop to this clear attempt to indoctrinate young children and interfere with their parents’ rights to guide the upbringing of their children.”

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