Hunter Biden wired a quarter million Beijing bucks to Joe’s home


Hunter Biden and President Joe Biden
President Joe Biden and his son Hunter arrive at Fort McNair. AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Hunter Biden wired a quarter million Beijing bucks to Joe’s home

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Not three years ago, Joe Biden insisted his son never received a dime from China. Now, the House Oversight and Reform Committee has proved that Hunter Biden indeed received more than a quarter-million dollars from his Beijing business partners.

After years of claiming the president never uttered a word with Hunter Biden about his overseas business dealings, the White House ever so slightly shifted the goal posts, claiming that old Joe was never involved with the first son’s influence peddling. Now, the House Oversight and Reform Committee has proved that those Beijing bucks were wired with Joe Biden’s Delaware manor listed as the beneficiary.


Note that the money was wired in the summer of 2019, when the younger Biden said he was living in California with his second wife.

For months, as the evidence mounted that the president knew much more about his son’s exploits than he ever admitted he did, Joe Biden’s defenders have clung to a final line of defense, namely that even if Joe Biden had a sense that his son was trading on the family name to gain cash from America’s most pernicious adversaries, Joe Biden personally did not profit off of these dealings.

But now we have evidence that cash from Chinese oligarchs was sent to Joe Biden’s house when he was living in Delaware and his son was a continent away. Where is the possible reasonable doubt that Joe Biden was not personally receiving (read: profiting from) Hunter Biden’s Beijing brokering?


Upon the news that House Republicans will commence an impeachment inquiry, politicos have wondered where exactly is the smoking gun. Sure, the Biden patriarchy looked as corrupt as can be, but where was the irrefutable proof that the patriarch himself profited off of Hunter Biden’s deals? We already had the text message of Hunter Biden lamenting to his daughter that Joe Biden would have him pass over his profits, but theoretically, the president could write that off as the drug-addled delusions of a known pathological liar.

But now, we have stone-cold evidence that Joe Biden’s house was listed as the recipient of cash directly from China while Joe Biden was living there and Hunter Biden was not. There is the smoking gun and exhibit A in the Republican case that Joe Biden was directly complicit in and compromised by Hunter Biden’s overseas business ties.

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