After voting for Soros district attorney, Oakland residents see 40 stolen cars a day


Police Reform Oakland
A protester holds a sign calling for the defunding of police at a protest on July 25, 2020, in Oakland, Calif. Democrats have become known as the defund party and it could hurt the party in the upcoming election. Christian Monterrosa/AP

After voting for Soros district attorney, Oakland residents see 40 stolen cars a day

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Crime in Oakland has gotten so bad that residents actually expect to have their cars broken into, or even stolen, on a daily basis.

There have been 10,547 reported vehicle thefts in Oakland this year through Sept. 17, which averages out to just over 40 vehicle thefts every day. It’s a 51% increase compared to the same time period last year. Police say there have also been 10,335 reported car break-ins over this same time period, though that number is higher because officers say most people don’t even bother to report when their car has been broken into in Oakland anymore.


It’s the latest report in a series of terrible developments in Oakland this year. In August, police told residents to carry air horns with them and to add security bars to the doors and windows of their own homes to protect against criminals, with burglaries up 41% and robberies up 20% compared to last year. Violent crime has also increased, with women being the easy targets for violent career criminals.

Many cities used the excuse that the pandemic and the effects of lockdowns (often imposed by the cities themselves) led to the surge of crime in 2020, rather than the tolerance of Black Lives Matter rioters and the elections of soft-on-crime district attorneys. Dealing with a sudden crime surge three years later, Oakland can’t even attempt to embrace those shoddy narratives. Oakland’s crime surge this year matches perfectly with pro-criminal Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price taking over on Jan. 2 earlier this year.


Price’s pro-criminal, anti-incarceration policies are the catalyst for Oakland’s crime surge. Criminals know that Price does not want to put them in jail, emboldening them to commit more crimes, become more violent, and become more brazen in their actions. Oakland residents already know that reporting car break-ins is pointless because nothing will be done about them. Oakland is spiraling, and Price and her policies are at the top of the list of reasons why.

It does not have to be this way in Oakland or any other U.S. city, but it will be so long as district attorneys like Price are empowered by voters. There are consequences to putting pro-criminal “prosecutors” in charge of your justice system, and sometimes those consequences include your car being stolen.

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