Every Republican senator should start wearing hoodies



Every Republican senator should start wearing hoodies

Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) presided over the Senate last week in clothes that more resemble what one wears when cleaning a septic tank rather than one of the most prestigious jobs in the country. It was degrading, embarrassing, and the nation’s latest left-wing cultural downgrade courtesy of the “fashion enlightenment” and new rules imposed by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY). The decision is beneath the dignity of the office of the Senate, and Republicans should not take it sitting down.

Instead, they should be standing up, and when they do, every single Republican in the Senate should be wearing shorts and a hoodie. Schumer and the Democrats won’t listen to reason or common sense, so show them exactly how ridiculous and embarrassing this decision really is. If Schumer wants shorts and hoodies in the Senate, then give the Democrats shorts and hoodies in the Senate. It’s an idea that I was thinking about, but something political commentator Mary Walter actually put into words, posting on X earlier this week.


“Am I the only one who wants to see every Republican show up in the Senate dressed like Fetterman & do it until Schumer figures out what a dumb idea it is to normalize dressing like an 8th grade boy? I’m picturing Chuck Grassley in an oversize hoodie & shorts,” Walter posted.

“I wish I could say I thought long and hard about it, but I immediately thought of Chuck Grassley swimming in a ridiculously oversized hoodie and shorts on the Senate floor, and it cracked me up – because it’s ridiculous!” Walter told me when I asked her how she came up with the idea. “I posted it in the hopes that someone on the Republican side would see it and realize that they could make an impact if they did it. I often think of ways Republicans could respond to Democrat craziness, and I talk about it when I can, but they never seem to listen.”

She has a point. Schumer’s decision is absurd, yet the only thing Republicans have done is rant about how absurd it is. Given Schumer’s time in the Senate, veteran experience, and political savviness, he likely anticipated the outrage. But he also knew that Republicans would do little, if anything, beyond words. Schumer put the rule into effect, and Republicans have just taken it.

“The GOP would prefer to complain that the DNC controls the media, so they can’t get any traction. This is a fantastic opportunity to control the narrative, and they won’t do it,” Walter said. “We all know that Democrats would have shown up that way today because they stick together. Republicans act like they’re all ancient and ‘above it all.’ DNC understands how to control the message. It is one of my biggest complaints about the GOP – they don’t even try. It’s almost like they don’t want to win.”

Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) even joked about doing something to mock Schumer’s ridiculous decision. Collins said she would show up to work in a bikini. Yet Collins could accomplish the same thing by ditching the swimwear idea and opting for shorts and a hoodie instead. It’s time for Republicans to have some courage and mock these kinds of foolish things.


But the inability to act is part of the reason Democrats feel comfortable making these outlandish decisions. But that could start to change if GOP senators started wearing clothes they would go jogging in. Words aren’t going to accomplish anything; it’s time for some action.

“Republicans’ lack of ability to message drives me crazy,” Walter said. “They miss so many good opportunities.”

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