Fetterman is a slob, and Schumer is an embarrassment


Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., is seen in the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday, September 19, 2023. (Graeme Jennings / Washington Examiner)

Fetterman is a slob, and Schumer is an embarrassment

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It’s official: Democrats make everything worse. It was a sentiment long felt by many in the country, but after Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) recent decision to nix the Senate’s dress code and, in turn, obliterate the regard, respect, and dignity of the office, Schumer and the Democrats erased any doubt about ushering in societal rot and the nation’s decline. It’s an embarrassment, and every Democratic politician should be ashamed. And that includes Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA), believed to be the impetus for Schumer’s decision to eliminate the dress code.

But the prestige of the Senate shouldn’t be lowered because Fetterman is a slob. The people of Pennsylvania elected him, believing he could perform the duties necessary to be a senator. His health problems aside, none of that excuses his inability to put on a suit and tie for a job he was elected to do. Schumer and every other Democrat and left-winger are enabling Fetterman’s laziness and slovenly behavior under the guise of compassion and understanding.


Fetterman first made waves at a Senate press conference in May, wearing shorts and a hoodie. The Left tried to justify his actions by making flimsy excuses that he couldn’t wear pants and a shirt because of his depression. It was nonsense then, and it is nonsense now. Fetterman can’t wear a suit because he is an embarrassing slob, not because of any dilapidated health condition.


Democrats lower standards and decimate the integrity and honor of everything they get involved in. Whether it is eliminating grades, academic standards, criminal codes, laws, or even dress codes, Democrats’ answer to everything is to make everything inferior. They should be known as “regressives” instead of “progressives” because they move the country backward in achievement and quality.

Nothing improves when Democrats are in power. It is why the cities under Democratic control feature rampant crime and poverty and why the schools they control have students who cannot achieve basic math, science, or English proficiency. Fetterman and Schumer are a microcosm of the scourge that is left-wing politics in the United States. They are the catalysts for much of the country’s societal ills and a political plague that causes decay at every level.

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