Evidence of Biden’s wrongdoing is considerable


Joe Biden speaking. Evan Vucci/AP

Evidence of Biden’s wrongdoing is considerable

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Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) claimed this week that “there is precisely zero evidence of any wrongdoing whatsoever” by President Joe Biden. The Associated Press asserted Republicans are “claiming without evidence that [Joe and Hunter Biden] engaged in an influence-peddling scheme.”

“No evidence” has become the mantra of liberal media and congressional Democrats. It is ludicrous. Evidence of influence peddling is substantial. The question isn’t whether it happened but who was involved, to what extent, and whether it was “merely” unethical or actually illegal.


But let’s be clear: Unethical influence peddling occurred. Everybody knows it. The proof has already been made public.

Congressional investigators have shown receipts for at least $10 million of foreign business for Biden family members funneled through 20 shell corporations, without any Biden registering as a foreign business agent, and for which the Treasury Department received almost 200 suspicious activity reports.

Emails, recordings, contemporary notes, and copious firsthand witness testimony show Hunter Biden and his business partners and clients repeatedly built business deals around the belief that Hunter Biden could influence his father, the vice president at the time, to push policies favorable to their clients. Credible witnesses said not only did the father get on the phone with the son during more than 20 meetings with foreign business interests but that Joe Biden dined with or met in bars with his son’s foreign business interests. Photos prove that at least a couple of those in-person meetings occurred.

Hunter Biden claimed to pay a significant portion of his father’s bills. He was at the father’s house the same day he warned a client his father was sitting next to him and would not take kindly to the client leaving the son high and dry. We know Joe Biden and his aides took dozens of meetings with Hunter Biden and his partners and that the vice president’s staff looped Hunter Biden in on emails related to Joe Biden’s diplomacy with the foreign countries with which Hunter Biden was doing business. We know that people involved in Hunter Biden’s shady business dealings referred to his father as “the Big Guy,” some specifically in the context of expecting the Big Guy to deliver desired policy and receive a cut of profits.

We know that Joe Biden kept email accounts under three aliases and that, on some occasions, his vice presidential work was part of the secret account email exchanges with Hunter Biden or his associates.

We know that he let his son use Air Force Two as a ferry to China when there was no reason for Hunter Biden to be on the trip. On the trip, Hunter Biden met representatives of Chinese state-controlled businesses that gave him a deal worth millions of dollars. We know that Joe Biden met his son’s close friend and business partner Devon Archer just before a major vice presidential trip to Ukraine, as Hunter Biden and Archer were joining the board of Ukrainian energy giant Burisma.

We know that in almost every instance in which Biden family members worked with foreign business interests, the policies pushed by the vice president aligned with the desires of those business interests.


There’s more, but that’s enough for now. Everything above is backed by hard evidence. So, of course, there was unethical influence peddling. Those who say otherwise are uninterested in the truth.

What we need to know is if Joe Biden used his power as president to cover up crimes his son committed to enrich the family. What did the Department of Justice do to thwart legitimate investigations into Hunter Biden’s activities? It is unclear what the House of Representatives gains by announcing an impeachment inquiry. There are some House committees that already have jurisdiction and power to investigate the Bidens. They should keep doing their work.

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