Harris confirms that Democrats want abortion legal up to birth


Kamala Harris
U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris leaves after attending the East Asia Summit at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit in Jakarta, Indonesia, Thursday, Sept. 7, 2023. (AP Photo/Achmad Ibrahim, Pool) Achmad Ibrahim/AP

Harris confirms that Democrats want abortion legal up to birth

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After MSNBC’s Jen Psaki asserted that it was absurd to claim Democrats support abortion up to birth, Vice President Kamala Harris has decided to confirm that that is indeed the Democratic Party’s stance on the issue.

When asked by CBS’s Margaret Brennan for any specific gestational limit on abortion that she would support, Harris repeatedly parroted that she simply wanted to bring back the “protections” of Roe v. Wade. Brennan practically begged her for an answer while dismissing the idea that Democrats support late-term abortion, to the point where she even pointed out that Roe was not law and that cementing Roe’s protections into law would likely require more specifics, but Harris refused to deviate from her script.


Of course, the “protections” that Harris is droning on about are a ban on abortion bans, which is all that Roe did. It allowed the Supreme Court to draw arbitrary lines around when an abortion ban (or any restriction that was tangentially related to abortion) was too strict but allowed Democratic-run states to legalize abortion up to birth or even after birth, as Virginia Democrats considered back in 2019.

We know that Harris supports legal abortion up to birth not just from her refusal to name a week in pregnancy when she thinks it should be illegal. As a senator in January 2018, Harris voted against the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would ban abortion when an unborn child could feel pain at around 20 weeks of pregnancy. In February 2020, Harris voted against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would require that babies born alive after failed abortion attempts be given proper medical care.


We know that Democrats support abortion being legal up to birth because it was Democratic senators like Harris who tanked both of those bills. We also know this because several Democrats running in competitive races in 2022 said that they cannot name a single abortion restriction that they support. And we know it because Psaki, Brennan, and others in liberal media deflect from these facts by falsely claiming that late-term abortions are rare rather than citing a single abortion restriction that the Democratic Party supports.

Harris and the Democratic Party do not support any limits on abortion, meaning that they do, indeed, support abortion up to birth. In fact, Harris and the Democratic Party want to ban abortion bans wherever they find them, meaning they want abortion up to birth to be the standard for the entire country. That is why Harris can’t answer that question, and why liberal media has to pretend it is absurd every time a Republican acknowledges the reality of this debate.

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