Michelle Lujan Grisham wants to be a dictator


Crime-New Mexico
New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham launches an effort to confront organized crime by convening a specialized commission of local prosecutors and leading law enforcement officials, on Wednesday, May 24, 2023, in Santa Fe, N.M. (AP Photo/Morgan Lee) Morgan Lee/AP

Michelle Lujan Grisham wants to be a dictator

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It is no secret that most politicians want more power over people’s everyday lives, but it is much rarer that they openly showcase their desire to become a dictator as Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D-NM) has done.

Lujan Grisham announced on Thursday that she had signed an executive order to suspend the open or concealed carry of firearms regardless of permits in Albuquerque for 30 days, classifying it as a public health emergency. When asked if she expected the criminals who were illegally carrying guns and illegally murdering people with those guns to follow her order under the threat of a $5,000 fine, Lujan Grisham acknowledged that criminals would not obey the order.


No, according to Lujan Grisham, the purpose of the order is to send “a message” to everyone to take murder more seriously and to “have the debate.” And she will do that by threatening to criminalize the law-abiding citizens who do not shoot people with their legal firearms. After all, she wants to “make the point that maybe” people should be arrested for simply walking down the street with a concealed carry permit. There are just too many people to arrest, according to her.

Lujan Grisham is openly boasting that her emergency order trumps the oath she swore to the Constitution. She claims she needs more power to encourage mass arrests of people who are not engaging in criminal activity in response to criminal activity. There is nothing “temporary” about this order that prevents it from being expanded both in duration and in location in New Mexico. And all of this is, supposedly, to send “a resounding message.”


There is no other way to describe this than dictatorial. This is a grave extension of the public health emergency authoritarianism that many of us were warning about during the pandemic, and Lujan Grisham now asserts that she can declare anything a public health emergency to give herself more power to do whatever she likes, independent of the Constitution and the state legislature.

In a just world, Lujan Grisham would be impeached immediately and exiled by voters from the field of politics forever. Her brazen, unapologetic, and arrogant authoritarianism has no place in New Mexico or any other state, and state legislators and voters must stamp it out before other Democratic governors get the same idea.

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