Most Americans think Joe Biden was involved in Hunter’s business dealings


Hunter (left) and Joe (right) Biden are shown.
Hunter (left) and Joe (right) Biden are shown. (AP Photo/Visar Kryeziu)

Most Americans think Joe Biden was involved in Hunter’s business dealings

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Since at least 2019, President Joe Biden maintained that he never spoke a word with his son, Hunter Biden, about his overseas business dealings and influence peddling, a promise that carried the Democrat across the finish line and into the presidency without suffering so much as a scratch from the now-infamous New York Post report on his son’s laptop.

Then, nearly four years and more than half a presidential term later, the White House carefully but conspicuously shifted the goalposts, swearing that Biden “was never in business with his son.”


Now, as the messy truth unravels and House Republicans begin to prove that the then-Vice President’s office signed off on talking points to deflect from Hunter’s work with Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings, CNN has dropped a doozy of a poll showing that three in five Americans — including a staggering two in three independents — believe that the White House is lying and that Biden was indeed involved in his son’s business dealings.

Further, every single demographic across income, gender, and age overwhelmingly agrees that Biden had involvement in Hunter’s business dealings. The only categories polled in which a minority believes that to be the case were Democrats, self-described liberals, and those who approve of Biden’s job performance. (Only two in five of those polled overall approve of Biden’s performance as president.)

Ordinary voters may not have a knack for following budget scores or whip counts in Congress, but they can smell poppycock, no matter how polished and justified by politicians, from a mile away.

While the Bidens could write off Hunter as a black sheep while he was off screwing strippers and smoking crack in obscurity, the Joe Biden’s hubris led him to let his failson literally live in the White House while Hunter took a victory lap for depriving his baby mama of child support and his illegitimate daughter the right to use the Biden family name, as well as scoring the sweetheart plea deal of the century from Joe Biden’s Justice Department.


Like Icarus, Biden thought he could have it all and flew too close to “the son.”

In tandem with the House Republican investigation finally fighting back against the DOJ’s protection of the first family, Biden’s own arrogance tipped average Americans off to the fact that the president was not as removed from his son’s profiteering as he long pretended.

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