Florida and Texas beat California and New York even among wealthy millennials


Tropical Scene welcoming you to the state of Florida. (iStock)

Florida and Texas beat California and New York even among wealthy millennials

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You can find category after category of people who are leaving New York and California for Florida and Texas, even groups you would think are predisposed to support Democratic governance.

According to Internal Revenue Service data examined by SmartAsset Advisors, Florida and Texas gained the most new residents between the ages of 26 and 35 with an income of $200,000 or more. That income level is relatively split among Republican- and Democrat-identifying voters, but that age bracket is a solid Democrat demographic. (About 59% of millennials identify with the Democratic Party.)


And yet Florida and Texas are the big gainers among young, wealthy residents, with only New Jersey comparing with its inflow and net total (and yet still clearly in third place). The two states with the largest outflows and largest net losses among this group are, of course, New York and California. New York lost a net total of over 5,000 residents in this demographic group, and California lost 4,400. The next closest states were Illinois, which lost 952, and Massachusetts, which lost 562 — two more Democratic bastions.

For comparison, Missouri was the next biggest loser and the biggest loser among all GOP-run states. It lost a net total of 33 people in that group.


There are only so many ways you can describe California and New York’s population losses compared to Florida and Texas’s gains before acknowledging the simple reality that the two premier Democratic states are chasing people away while the two premier Republican states are attracting them. The pandemic exposed the reality that living in California or New York isn’t necessary for most workers and that the financial demands of Democratic governance are not worth it when the states offer little in terms of competent government.

Florida and Texas have proved that competent Republican governance leads to growth and prosperity and that your government doesn’t need to steal massive chunks of your paychecks to make that possible. If both middle-class families and young, wealthy millennials recognize this, how many more demographic groups need to prove that the leading ideas of how Democrats should govern are massive failures?

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