I will never vote for Biden because he persecutes pro-lifers


Mark Houck and family.jpg
Anti-abortion activist Mark Houck and his family. (Thomas More Society)

I will never vote for Biden because he persecutes pro-lifers

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Plenty of Democrats online argue that former President Donald Trump poses enough of a threat to democracy that even conservatives such as me should vote for Joe Biden in the 2024 election.

I know plenty of right-of-center folks who voted for Biden in 2020 and probably some who would vote for Biden over Trump again in 2024. I agree that Trump is uniquely unfit for office, despite the many good things he did (mainly Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett, along with managing not to launch a regime-change war). I agree that Trump’s refusal to accept his 2020 loss, his efforts to overturn the election, and his stoking of violence on Jan. 6 all were gross violations of decency and abuses of power.


Harold Pollack, of the University of Chicago, is a longtime X interlocutor of mine, and he very politely made exactly that suggestion Monday morning:


I won’t vote for Trump if he’s the Republican nominee. I didn’t vote for Trump in 2016 or 2020.

But I also will not vote for Biden. I didn’t vote for Biden in 2020, and after his first 31 months in office, I’m even less likely to vote for him.

I’m pro-life, and I don’t think any pro-lifer, if acting in sound mind and clear conscience, can vote for Biden. Biden has made it clear that he thinks pro-lifers are outside the bounds of acceptability and worthy of prosecution.

It’s upsetting that Biden, who is a Catholic and used to be pro-life when his party tolerated that, now defends abortion even in the most extreme cases. But that’s not what I’m talking about here. Biden has made it clear that he doesn’t merely disagree with pro-lifers, but that he hates us and wants to sic the federal government on us.

Look at the ridiculous failed prosecution of Mark Houck. Houck was a pro-life protester who was harassed by an abortion volunteer for protesting outside an abortion clinic. After the Planned Parenthood volunteer chased Houck and his son down the sidewalk and shouted, “Why don’t you go home and masturbate? Go be with your pedophile priests,” Houck shoved him.

This man, Bruce Love, was notorious for taunting and fighting with pro-lifers, which violates Planned Parenthood policies.

Love brought charges against Houck, but local prosecutors refused to press the case, probably because it was obvious that Love was the instigator and Houck’s shove was not a crime.

Biden’s DOJ, however, made a decision that it would try to hunt down and charge every pro-lifer it could plausibly charge with violations of the Fair Access to Clinic Entrances Act.

It was obvious that Houck didn’t violate this law. As my colleague Kaylee McGhee White put it, “Houck shoved Love because Love was being a jackass and potentially a threat to his son — not because he was trying to obstruct access to the nearby Planned Parenthood clinic.” But the Biden DOJ didn’t care. It was ideologically dedicated to persecuting pro-lifers for being pro-lifers.


Also, when Biden gave his “Red Speech” in September 2022, he branded “MAGA Republicans” as intolerable extremists outside the bounds of decent political debate. He has repeatedly made it clear that this includes pro-lifers.

Biden thinks my views place me outside the bounds of acceptable politics, and he uses the DOJ to persecute people for holding those views. That makes it inconceivable that I would vote for him.

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