Maui wildfires are the latest tragedy exploited by Democrats for climate change indoctrination


Hawaii Fires Photo Gallery
The hall of historic Waiola Church in Lahaina and nearby Lahaina Hongwanji Mission are engulfed in flames along Wainee Street on Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2023, in Lahaina, Hawaii. (Matthew Thayer/The Maui News via AP)

Maui wildfires are the latest tragedy exploited by Democrats for climate change indoctrination

Democrats and other environmentalists on the Left have habitually blamed any recent extreme weather or devastating natural occurrence on climate change. From hurricanes to tornadoes to wildfires, all were blamed on climate change without legitimate scientific proof or evidence that these events wouldn’t have happened otherwise.

Climate change enthusiasts make these claims, and people accept them as fact. It’s deceptive propaganda, but a recent poll revealed that the indoctrination has been working — at least among Democrats.


According to a recent Rasmussen Reports poll, 47% of “likely U.S. voters” believed climate change was likely responsible for the Maui wildfires. And, of this total, 26% felt it was very likely that climate change was the reason for the fires. That’s slightly higher than the 45% of voters who believed the fires were not caused by climate change, including 27% who felt that it was “not at all likely” that climate change was to blame.

Unsurprisingly, supporters of whether climate change was responsible for the fires in Hawaii were divided along political ideological lines. According to the poll, 79% of Democratic voters believed the fires were related to climate change. Republicans, on the other hand, were far less likely to think that. Only 22% of GOP voters felt climate change was the cause of the destructive fires. Interestingly, among voters who considered themselves not aligned with either political party, 51% believed that climate change did not contribute to the wildfires.

Democrats have used the Maui wildfires, Canada’s wildfires earlier this year, and California’s wildfires last year as an example of the destruction caused by climate change. As mentioned above, they used this kind of messaging after nearly every natural disaster. And they will cite study after study to support their claims. However, this is indicative of how studies can be manipulated instead of supportive evidence for extremist climate change proclamations.

Moreover, consider the thoughts of Bjorn Lomborg, author, president of the Copenhagen Consensus Center, and former director of the Environmental Assessment Institute in Denmark.

“One of the most common tropes in our increasingly alarmist climate debate is that global warming has set the world on fire. But it hasn’t,” Lomborg wrote in an op-ed earlier this month.

“The data are unequivocal: Since the early 2000s, when 3% of the world’s land caught fire, the area burned annually has trended downward,” Lomborg said. “In 2022, the last year for which there are complete data, the world hit a record low of 2.2% burned area. Yet you’ll struggle to find that reported anywhere. Instead, the media acts as if the world is ablaze.”

Lomborg should have added Democrats to those acting as if the planet was burning. They are this country’s most prominent purveyors of this claim. But Lomborg provided details on how Democrats (and their accomplices in the media) manipulate data to advance ideological agendas. He showed how they distort the truth to promote their opinions as facts. Such tactics are a contemporary version of the Soviet Union’s “Lysenkoism.”

“This summer, the focus has been on Canada’s wildfires, the smoke from which covered large parts of the Northeastern US. Both the Canadian prime minister and the White House have blamed climate change,” Lomborg wrote. “Yet the latest report by the United Nations’ climate panel doesn’t attribute the area burned globally by wildfires to climate change. Instead, it vaguely suggests the weather conditions that promote wildfires are becoming more common in some places.”

“Still, the report finds that the change in these weather conditions won’t be detectable above the natural noise even by the end of the century,” Lomborg said.


That last statement is an important detail that routinely gets ignored. Lomborg’s op-ed is just one of many examples of the climate change dishonesty. Moreover, much of the doomsday prognosticating the Left does regarding climate change was predicated on the destruction occurring years, if not decades, from now. Yet, nearly every time some devastating event happens today, they blame climate change. This fearmongering is a disingenuous manipulation of data.

Yet, as the polls above showed, people believe this propaganda. These claims and rhetoric aim to brainwash people to believe their hyperbolic hysteria is true. The party that claimed to detest the spread of misinformation conveniently weaponized it when it helps their ambitions and agenda.

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