Transgenderism has completely infected liberal media


AP Washington Post Building
The One Franklin Square Building, home of The Washington Post newspaper, in downtown Washington, Thursday, Feb. 21, 2019. The Kentucky teen at the heart of an encounter last month with a Native American activist at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington is suing The Washington Post for $250 million, alleging the newspaper falsely labeled him a racist. His attorneys are threatening numerous other news organizations, including The Associated Press. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais) Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP

Transgenderism has completely infected liberal media

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Liberal media have been so thoroughly broken by transgender ideology that they now claim that basic concepts that the country accepted even 10 years ago are hateful and bigoted.

The latest entry in this never-ending new genre of media coverage comes courtesy of guitarist Carlos Santana, who at a recent concert made the following comment: “When you grow up, and you see things, and you start believing that you could be something that sounds good, but you know it ain’t right because a woman is a woman and a man is a man — that’s it.”


Santana also voiced his support for comedian Dave Chapelle, whom transgender activists have declared an enemy of the state when it comes to their ideological cult.

So how did liberal media outlets frame this, a defense of a comedian being able to tell jokes and of the concept that “a woman is a woman and a man is a man”? CNN, the Washington Post, People Magazine, and NBC News (via a piece republished from Variety) all in lockstep declared his comments to be “anti-trans.” CNN used the comments to whine about “anti-LGBTQ legislation” and bans on permanently disfiguring children with “gender-affirming health care.” The Variety piece that NBC republished also took aim at other musicians who recently weighed in on this issue from the “anti-trans” side.

Imagine telling someone ten years ago that “a woman is a woman and a man is a man” would be a controversial statement for which they must be browbeaten into apologizing. Most normal people today would not even view that statement as being even slightly controversial, and yet it is a five-alarm fire for liberal media outlets that have surrendered their grip on reality to anti-science activists.

That isn’t even the only ludicrous example this week, with Axios declaring that “Faculty and staff at public colleges in Florida could be fired for using the bathroom.” In reality, teachers and staff can be fired for using the restroom (or locker room) they are not allowed to be in, e.g. male staff using the women’s restroom. Not only do faculty members have the ability to use the restroom that matches their sex, as people have done for decades, but they also have the option to use unisex restrooms.


Not good enough, Axios declares. If men can’t waltz into the women’s restroom or locker room whenever they want, then it is a “blow for transgender rights” and a “slate of hate.” Again, imagine describing this to someone just 10 years ago.

Liberal media is completely detached from the reality that most people today recognize and in a completely different universe from the world of 10 years ago. They have completely rejected any semblance of neutrality and also of reality and basic science. They now treat their role as being mouthpieces for transgender activists, and they will perform it no matter how utterly insane it makes them sound.

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