Hunter Biden’s business career is corrupt, and Joe Biden is fine with that


Hunter Biden
Hunter and Joe Biden. (Andrew Harnik/AP)

Hunter Biden’s business career is corrupt, and Joe Biden is fine with that

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Hunter Biden ran a corrupt influence-peddling lobbying racket, and his father, the president of the United States, says that it’s fine. This is conduct unbecoming the office of the president.

There’s plenty to debate and investigate about how much Hunter Biden’s clients got access to his father and whether the vice president ever changed policy to serve Hunter’s clients. There is also debate and nuance as to whether Joe Biden personally benefited from Hunter Biden’s lobbying and influence-peddling career.


But even if we take the most charitable interpretation of the facts, Hunter Biden ran a corrupt enterprise for over a decade, and Joe Biden approves.

I spoke about this today on C-Span’s Washington Journal.

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Here are some of the basics: When Hunter Biden cashed out of the Clinton administration in 2001 and launched a lobbying firm, it was very clearly a play to monetize his last name, and thus he co-founded it with William Oldaker, a longtime top fundraiser for his father, who was a sitting senator.

The firm’s clients included Joe Biden donors and Delaware entities for which Sen. Biden secured financial earmarks.

As time went on, and as Joe became vice president, Hunter Biden expanded his consulting work to include foreign companies, which is where the big money is. Hunter Biden would often put Joe Biden on speakerphone, we know.

We don’t know just what Hunter Biden did to earn millions from interests in China, Ukraine, and elsewhere. Democrats insist that Hunter was bilking his foreign clients by selling merely “the illusion of access.”

So this is the Democrats’ line on Hunter Biden: He was a dishonest businessman who convinced overseas companies with connections to foreign governments that he was getting Joe Biden on their side, and he made millions off of this fraudulent racket.

And here’s Joe Biden’s line on this racket: “My son has done nothing wrong.”


Joe Biden says that again and again. Joe Biden knew that Hunter was selling the Biden name and cashing in Joe’s connections, and Joe was fine with that. Joe Biden now sees that Hunter was, in the best-case scenario, defrauding foreign companies by pretending to sell access to Joe, and Joe says that’s fine.

Hunter Biden is a corrupt influence peddler, and Joe Biden is fine with it.

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