Biden’s ’empathy’ act has always been a disingenuous fraud


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Joe Biden appeared to fall asleep while visiting Hawaii following wildfires that killed more than 100. Citizen Free Press X account

Biden’s ’empathy’ act has always been a disingenuous fraud

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The fraudulent “empathy” act of President Joe Biden that has been so hyped up by liberal media remains nothing more than Biden turning every tragedy into a pity session for himself.

With more than 100 dead in Hawaii’s fires and another 1,000 missing, Biden finally decided to visit the state after previously saying he had “no comment” on the tragedy while on vacation. Sure enough, he tried to deflect criticism from himself by one-upping the victims of the fires, telling the story about his house almost burning down (supposedly) with his wife still inside, as well as his Corvette and his cat.


Except that is not really what happened. An Associated Press report at the time described the fire as “a small fire that was contained to the kitchen.” The fire had been contained within 20 minutes. He doesn’t have “a sense of what it’s like to lose a home” to a fire, as Biden said in Hawaii to victims who lost their homes and family members to the fires. But no one is allowed to have a tragedy without Biden bringing up his own travails, real or imagined, because that is his supposed “empathy.”

This is no different than Biden falsely claiming to gold star families who lost loved ones in the suicide bombing at Kabul airport (for which Biden and his terrible withdrawal plan were responsible) that his son Beau died in Iraq. That has never been true, and yet Biden has used it repeatedly, for years, to show his faux empathy for those families and to try and deflect any criticism of the withdrawal from Afghanistan that he botched at nearly every step.


And, sure enough, after flaunting his own exaggerated experience with fire while in Hawaii, Biden took off to resume yet another vacation. He was able to muster just enough “empathy” to talk about a kitchen fire for a couple of days so he could pretend he feels the pain of the victims in Hawaii, but not even a massive tragedy can keep him from spending 40% of his presidency on vacation.

Biden’s empathy act is, and has always been, a fraud. He has exaggerated stories about his personal life for years to make them sound more tragic so that he could use them more often, trotting them out as a shield against criticism when U.S. service members are killed in Iraq on his watch or as a weak attempt to connect with people who have lost everything in a fire. Biden is a career-long fabulist, and nothing has been more fake than his unearned reputation for “empathy.”

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