It’s time for medical authoritarians to trust the science


Rutgers University Camden
Rutgers University-Camden in Camden, N.J., Monday, July 1, 2019. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

It’s time for medical authoritarians to trust the science

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Students at Rutgers University face disenrollment next month if they don’t comply with the school’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate, which requires all students to receive their primary shot(s) as well as the booster.

Rutgers has maintained this requirement since it became the first school to mandate the vaccine in March 2021 despite overwhelming sentiment that the pandemic is over, as well as revelations undermining the necessity of these injections for college-age students.


The United States has long since abandoned its despotic coronavirus policies that proved to be ineffective at everything but tanking the economy — evidently, Rutgers hasn’t received the memo.

I was studying political science at Rutgers when the university implemented this mandate, and I joined Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense in filing an appeal against the school’s policy in federal court. It was my position that requiring otherwise healthy college-age students to receive an experimental shot was unnecessary, invasive of their privacy, and potentially dangerous.

The reaction from the Left was harsh, with most responses labeling myself and the other plaintiffs as irresponsible and selfish. Others were not so civil, accusing us of killing grandmothers, as well as wishing us harm and death for choosing not to take the vaccine and for standing against vaccine mandates.

Throughout the pandemic, the political Left was incredibly intolerant toward the unvaccinated at large. Many supported imposing harsh penalties such as fines, home confinement, and even the removal of child custody from unvaccinated parents.

After all of the dust settled, it turned out that the vaccine didn’t prevent the transmission of the coronavirus, and healthy young people were at very low risk from COVID-19 but were the most vulnerable age group to suffer from myocarditis as a result of taking the shot. After all of this time and with all the data collected over the last couple of years, Rutgers’s continued decision to require the shot is profoundly absurd.

It is apparent that the radical, left-wing administration at Rutgers cares more about virtue-signaling than about being right — and given its legal immunity in cases where students are injured from the vaccine they otherwise wouldn’t have received if not mandated by the school, it stands to lose nothing for being wrong. So much for trusting the science!

The concept of medical autonomy is incompatible with the anti-choice philosophy of the elitist Left. Whether it’s vaccine and mask mandates, bans on gas vehicles, gas stoves, and incandescent lightbulbs, or even in healthcare and education, leftist activists and politicians are constantly supporting less choice — unless that “choice” is to kill an unborn child.


Mandating a vaccine that puts college-age adults at a higher risk of myocarditis when they’re already at little-to-no risk from COVID-19 is a decision clearly motivated by ideology as opposed to the evidence. That is no way to run an institution of higher education if not for the “Left Monopoly” in academia, as Thomas Sowell put it, devoid of rational pushback.

It’s time for the medical authoritarians to face the facts. It was wrong to mandate the vaccine in the first place, and vaccine hysteria has cost people their jobs, their education, their irreplaceable relationships, and in a number of cases, their health.

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